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Saturday, August 11, 2007


IQs are boring

Sh1t... I was playing Mega-lo-mania some time ago (ARGH probably one of the best games in exsistance) and this came up. Click the piccy. I'm the blue team... Needless to say, I lost. (If you haven't a clue what's going on, look at the people count at the top.)

Anyway... what's this about IQs being boring? Coz they are. No matter how many tests I do, I always come up with something in the 140s. And it's stupid, too, because they never say something definate, just, like... One said 140, one said 142, one said 144... It just goes on. I also can't understand how anyone can miss out a sequence like "Which of these is the odd one out? 2, 4, 6, 7, 8, 10..." or even, "Hand is to glove, foot is to...? Hat, sock, machine gun, dog crap, bottle..."

I am also surprised the average IQ is 100. That is sh1t. *Someone who has an IQ of 100 comes on to this blog, reads this post, cries, smashes head on keyboard, and shoots themself* Whoops. Mind you, this is just what I think, and you know what I'm like. I'm sure someone out there is happy with an IQ of... *sniggers*... 100.

Nah, I'm just messing with you. IQs are bullcrap anyway, in that they don't reflect the person as, er, a whole. (According to my IQ guide...)

But in the majority of cases, these persons as a whole are f*cked up, anyway.

But my parents say I'm vewwy intelligent coz I is a speshul person weally, and speshul peoples like me usually are vewwy intelligent. That's a point - If I have a high IQ, why on earth am I classed as 'Special needs', anyway? As long as I know fire = bad, I think I'll be fine.

Wait... fire = ... b... good? No, that's not right...

But, I discovered my pets have slightly strange eating habits. Penfold likes cake, popcorn, and chocolate (even though he's not really allowed it) and the kittens like icecream. I just made myself a bowl of the stuff, and they waited until I finished. I put the bowl down, and they licked it clean. So they were covered in Ben and Jerry's icecream.

Last of all, THE GOON SHOW. Have a clip, I found it funny, but the laughter in the background was annoying. It's the, "What time is it, Eccles?" sketch, featuring Bluebottle and, of course, Eccles. I like Bluebottle, because his voice is like Hugo's... Or should that be the other way 'round?
Anyway, it's HERE.

Now, goodBYE!'What time is it, Victor?'

Thursday, August 09, 2007


I hate my family.

'I hate you, I hate you, I hate you...' Hate isn't a strong enough word.

I despise, loathe, detest, dread, abhor... my family.

I really do. Yep.

WHY??? Because of what they did to me yesterday, and the day before.

First of all, 2 days ago - we were supposed to go to Wareham for some unknown reason. But first - we went on a Pedalo for some stupid reason! Which is also unknown!! This wasn't so bad, of course, but I haven't got to the bad stuff yet.

We had this boat-trip to Wareham. It lasted 1 hour, 10 minutes. We could've driven there in at least half the time! But the thing is, half an hour was spent finding a pub or something, because my cousins were SOOOOOOOO THIWSTYYYY. This done, we spent 15 minutes drinking. Then we went back home. That was the most pointless trip I've ever made in my life. Mark this in your die-aries - 7th August 2007, Bob had the most pointless trip in her life.

Written it? Good.

But the next day was worse. Oh boy, that was a horrible day.

First of all, little Johnathan (I don't even care if I spelt that wrong) whined and cried because he wanted to feed my kittens. He is almost 7. It's the kind of thing I'd expect a 2 year old to do. Still, because his Mummy-wummy is wich, he is a little darling and can get what he wants. I say it now, and all our (household) family agrees - Johnathan is a spoilt, whiny little bitch. He deserves to be put down. So as soon as he was given the kitten food, the tears vanished, and he went squealing with delight, and shoved the food down the kittens' throats.

Then we had a car ride. Cousin Charlie wound all the windows down. Here is my depiction of the event:

Drawn with a mouse, bitches!!
But I was too polite to wind them back up again. Either I put up with all this wind blowing in my face, or get smashed in the mouth.

Anyway, where were we going? To the beach. Charlie had the camcorder, and filmed us playing in the sea (I don't know why he didn't come in with us). Then he taped over it. What with? Him swearing.

Oh, that was nice! [/sarcasm]

Then I taped over it again. But I'm kinda mad that he did that... and he almost taped over a video I did of the kittens. HE ALMOST TAPED OVER JASPER LEAPING!! ARGH Jasper leaping is a rare event! Bar-stard-y.

This was my little rant, now goodbye. I have to get rid of the sand that Johnny-boy flicked into my face.Jackhammer rampage!! Raaaa

P.S Someone recently asked me about Victor and Hugo episodes up for download. So I uploaded them here and here. The second one is very low quality on the computer, but works great on a video iPod or Creative Zen or whatever. Take them - NOW, before I get rid of them. Or, before the website gets rid of them.

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