<bgsound src="http://geocities.com/depressio72/-x-nightwish_-_dark_chest_of_wonders.mp3" loop=infinite> m

Wednesday, October 29, 2008



Excellent film

Well I bought a film yesterday [I mean a copy... on DVD... no I don't own the rights], you've probably heard of it: The Ladykillers.

Searching it on the net, I found that there has been a remake of this film. A remake! Of an original film!! The thing I like about films like these is that they are... were... unique!! Remakes, pah, I have no time for them.

You see, I will never ever watch the remake because 1 - It's a rip off, 2 - it's American (all modern American films are shit, am I right?), and 3 - it doesn't have Alec Guinness or Peter Sellers in it.

I... like those actors... no, really...

I think Alec Guinness played an excellent sinister character... and I liked his hair in this film. :P lawl no that's not the reason why I like it; I like Ealing Studios films [my favourite film is Kind Hearts and Coronets, I order you to look it up/watch it NOW]

Ahem back to the rant: Stop the shitty remakes!! In fact, stop ALL shitty American films. I recently saw The Hitchiker's Guide etc film, grew sick in the first 10 minutes, and so never saw the rest. It was THAT terrible.

Remakes are for losers who can't think of a storyline of their own. So they copy a film known, but not as popular as they think they can make it. Same goes for movie adaptions of TV series (movie/TV adaptions of books are not as bad). Get Smart, for example. WHY OH WHY OH WHY.

The thing is... I don't care if there are more and more film effects etc that they can use!! Does anybody care?? I find it more fun to see, for example, a character fall over than to watch him walk, get replaced by a CGI, see the CGI fall over, and blow up in a load of special-effects blasts.

I think I will die of shock if they ever proposed to do a remake of The Wizard of Oz... I was already disgusted when I found out they made a remake of Sunset Boulevard. YOU CAN'T DO THAT!!!!!

So, you, loyal reader *points at you*, I ask of you to stop watching remakes, stop making remakes, and tell others to do the same. NOW.

And now for a random picture to help you remember this simple message.Does not know where she found this pic

Tuesday, October 28, 2008



Bizarre picture for the day
I'm such a coward.

I managed to stop myself from punching the nurse.

But I bit my Mom in the arm, instead.

It really didn't help when the nurse snuck behind me and tried to shove the needle, which was, what, 2.5 inches long (?), up my arm.

Neither did it help when my Mom put me in a headlock and yelled encouragement such as: "For God's sake, I'd expect this from a 7 year old, not a 17 year old!!"

To cut the long story short, I didn't get the injection.

If I must be honest, I'd much prefer to die of cancer.



I looked up 'snarf' on Google images and came up with this. God I hate ThunderCats.
I'm getting the HPV vaccine in, like, an hour.

Wish me luck.

In fact, wish the nurse luck, because I'm likely to punch her in the face.

Monday, October 27, 2008


Through the fire and flames

I had the BEST German talky-thing some time ago.

I realise 'talky-thing' is not the most accurate of descriptions so I will elaborate.

Ahem we have some sort of 'programme' in our skool, where those doing German (I don't know if they do a similar thing with each language) get to talk one-to-one with a German person, in German, in order to boost language skills. Well, when asked by this person (her name is Carolien, I think) what music I like (Welche Musikgruppe magst du or something similar) I admitted that I am a fan of Rammstein (which I am. Till Lindemann is God. God of what, you can decide that for yourselves). She was like, "OMG no way so am I" etc, which I thought was great.

The next session, I came along, and pretty much all we did was look at Rammstein lyrics and Rammstein's 'Amerika' video. This was like, omg heaven. BEST German talky-thing EVER.

Everyone else, however, when it was their turn, had to listen to some sort of German pop-song. I'm so glad I let Carolien know of my love of Rammstein.

[I order you to watch 'Amerika' RIGHT NOW. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4w9EksAo5hY]

Anyway, now Carolien has gone back to Germany :( What a shame.

I was supposed to be seeing 3 different German talky-people but the other two never turned up.

Anyway. Must say now: I seriously want 'Professor Layton and the Curious Village' on the DS. It looks so cool... Mind you I don't even have a DS. So pretty much FAIL there.I said I'd post this one day, and now I have :)

That's the bizarre thing about my parents... We're not poor, in fact we earn *ahem ahem* over the average income in England [tbh I don't know by how much, just that this is true, but we're not rich.], yet they seem to refuse to buy anything new. I mean I got my first GBA about 3 years after it was first released, my PS1 about 4 years, and my PS2 about 3 years. My mobile phone, I've had for 5 years, and even when I first got it, it was considered 'old'.

EVEN THIS COMPUTER, that I'm using now, is the family hand-me-down piece of shit *pats computer in the hope it doesn't crash at this point* from, what, 6 years? My parents say they won't buy me another, even though this one has like, no memory left and is about as useful as an abacus in a STEP exam.

Yet a couple of months ago they forked out £X for a new laptop for my sister, because her idiot boyfriend spilt wine on the keyboard of her old (one year old) one. (BUY A NEW KEYBOARD!!)

But I am quite proud of my Creative Zen and my small but nice camera... they're like the only things I own that are worth something. My Zen has 30 Gigs of memory, which is nice, even though it makes a loud CLUNK noise every minute or so for no seemingly good reason. And my camera, although it can have rediculously shit quality when taking pictures in anything darker than day-time-light, can only accept special memory cards. And these cards have a 3D viewing-specialness. Yeah, baby!!

BTW sorry for the lack of updates. I've been busy doing my UCAS uni forms. No I haven't - I've been making a cat-related video of which the concept amused me at the time, and I plan to put on YouTube.

I have more plans for YouTube, but my idea hasn't been done yet so I'm not saying in case some jerk steals it.Lon Chaney will rape your eyes. (wut?)

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