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Thursday, November 27, 2008



You will die now
I'm thinking of starting a Vlog, however the hell that is pronounced. Please advise; I am intending to make it the BEST FIRST VLOGPOST EVER, and not like that conventional crap like, "Hi I'm Dave this is my room and this is me and this is my razor and I hate my life and I like books and I hate everyone at my school because they laugh at me because I am 13 stone overweight..." etc. I'm going to make it AWEXOME. I actually have some ideas. I've been watching Laurel and Hardy films for the past few days (not consecutively) and they've inspired me. Don't ask me how. They just have.

I won't say much on the subject but I went to DRAMA GROUP with WED, MOMO, AND CHRIS and my hair was WET and I looked like a drowned rat. Next time, I tell ye, next time, I will not wash my hair just before I go. And next time I will act. My father was an ACTORRRRRRRR... so he wants me to act well, too. (Yes, he was an actor. But not a great actor, just great enough for people to pass him in the street and say, "Hey, I know you, you were in that... thing... with... whatsisname... weren't you?")

And I'm pissed off because it's Senior Awards day tomorrow and it's like the most pointless waste of time ever. I mean, seriously. We sit there for 2 hours, waiting for our names to be called, then we walk onto the stage, walk across (or in my case, stalk) and shake some nobody's hand, walk off, and collect an envelope which contains the results for our exams. WHICH WE ALREADY KNOW. And there's no escape; although the practise is not necessary, it is obligatory for all to attend. I've tried SO HARD to get out of it. But to no avail.

And soon enough, when I can, I'll get back to checking my emails. I just don't have the time right now, so I'm posting here to say I have no time to check my emails (????? It's flawed, I know). So Fabio, if you've mailed me, bear with me, man.

Peace, I'm out.


Friday, November 21, 2008


Feminists are idiots

Cue screeching violins
*laughs at a feminist*

Feminists are idiots. They are. In fact, all women asking for 'equality' are idiots. You know the ones I'm talking about: The ones who think that women tennis-players should earn the same amount as the men tennis-players, even though the men do twice as many games.

I hate feminists.

I mean I always have, but what really annoyed me most was in English, we were given a bunch of texts to do with the film 'Psycho' (Hitchcock), for an editorial writing task. And one of the texts was about a feminist getting all her troubles off her saggy, bra-less chest, because she had watched Psycho, and did not like how women were presented. And the silly bitch said the remake was better, because the female characters were stronger and less timid than the ones in Hitchcock's original. She also said, in all her feminist wisdom, that Janet Leigh, as Marion, was being watched by all the men, oh! the leering eyes of the policeman (well, DUH, she was acting all suspicious!), Norman Bates (he's a sexually suppressed mommy's-boy, what do you expect?), and the customer-guy at the beginning (...OK he was flirting, and they made that clear in the film). But what was really stupid is that also the BIRDS in the Bates motel's parlour were watching her, leering at her, with sexual intent... WTF. Stuffed birds ogling a woman??? The thing is, she's supposed to feel watched. I mean, she stole forty thousand fuckin' dollars and was on the run!!

Dumb bitch. Feminists are idiots.

Also, I know someone (ahem not saying any names) who is part-way to becoming a feminist [I mean she shows all the traits of being a feminist but has not yet openly admitted that all men are pigs], and she says that she does not like old people because they have no reason for being there. Ooooookay, not the kind of thing to say to someone who is the carer for her 88-year-old, veteran, inventor Grandfather.

But anyway I'm digressing.

I find it hard for women to gain equality, if, for example, they're on TV posing for adverts in such a slutty way. You know what I mean. #Buy this fabric softener!!# "oooooooooooooh it's soooo soft" *semi-naked pose* *kisses random guy who just walked in at that moment*

But what about the men? I think they should have equality. On TV, it's funny if a man gets hurt. But if anyone taps a women on the hand, she's being abused and the feminists sue the company's ass. If it has one. There's an advert on TV right now, for a computer magazine (I think it's from Which? mag), where the man is shown to be a dumbass because his laptop keeps making error noises, wife outsmarts him, - later - husband comes over to wife at laptop and tries to use it, and she slaps him quite roughly on the hand. But that's OK, that's funny, because the man is a dumbass and got hurt.

Men are people too!! I say, there should be more wife-beatings on TV, just to level the score with the men. The men have to be put up with their wives and girlfriends slapping, hitting, or showing them up on TV, so why should the women get away with it? That's discrimination against men!!

The only time to see a woman get hurt is on the rare occasions 'You've been Framed!' puts one up. But that show is pretty dire anyway.

And so now, a picture for all those feminists out there:Fuck feminists!!

BTW: I was late coming into skool today. If we are late, we must sign the 'late list', and in the late list we have to give a reason for being late. I realised I didn't actually have a reason, so put down, "Busy saving the world."

Next time I think I'll put "Busy destroying the world" or "Defeating the Joker" or "Tardis brought me 15 minutes later than programmed" or something.

Saturday, November 15, 2008


Mud Guy part 2

Appropriate... also appropriate, as on Wednesday the new Iz comic's coming out YAY!

Well well well.

I got a shock this morning.

Mud Guy sent me a picture.

Of himself.

However, it was not of his face...

...but another part of his anatomy.

I am shocked. It was bad enough getting shocked because I did not know pictures could be sent to my crappy 5-year-old phone, but THIS... It's still on my phone. I wish I had deleted it when I first saw it, but I don't want to risk looking at his thing again.

This morning, though, I am quite glad of this: I went out with Wednesday, MoMo, and Chris, so when they heard of... this picture, all sorts of comments about what I should reply with were flying about the place. So, as a summary, this is how Mud Guy and Wed, MoMo, Chris, and my conversation went. (MG=purple)


Something tells me Mud Guy's soon to give up. Shame, really, it was getting quite fun.

But yeah back to reality, the day out was fun. The best part was when we all went to Chris' place and played PokéMon monopoly.


Hates ThunderCats

Thursday, November 13, 2008


A stupid notice because I can and I'm pissed

Well, I was off ill today as some may have noticed. The fact that I would have had a tonne of homework to hand in and an in-lesson essay to do and absolutely no free periods at all is entirely coincidental. Honest, guv.

Anyway I'm typing here to say: I love Rincewind. He is the best fictional character ever (asides from Death, perhaps XD). He is, like, one of the main reasons why I am a Discworld fan. But some people keep saying Terry Pratchett will never write another Rincewind novel because he hates Rincewind... AAAARGH!! Noooooooooooooooooo!! If that is true I'm gonna take Terry Pratchett hostage and make him write another Rincewind story... even if it's the death of Rincewind... I don't care, he can't leave hiiiiiiim, he was his first Discworld character!! (Technically speaking, yes).

Now I'm fucking off. Ta-ra!

I told you it was a stupid notice.

Monday, November 10, 2008


Mud Guy

For no real reason. OK, settle down children, and I will now tell you a tale.

A very worrying tale.

It all started a few days ago. I was in the library, when I received a text message asking who I was. Confused and worried that my identity had apparently been lost, I replied that it was a 'good question' and demanded to know who the hell this person is. In the end, he (for it was a 'he') told me who he is, but for this story he will remain anonymous and will hereby be called 'Mud Guy' for reasons that will be explained as this story progresses.

Mud Guy and I were texting each other like mad. Him being someone I have never known in my entire life, he struck me as being desperate, for he asked me things like was I single, what I look like, my interests, and if I was a virgin. Obviously I was like, 'What the hell', especially at that last one about being a virgin >.<>

Anyway, his texts became more and more intimate throughout the hour. This shows you how desperate he is. But I continued with texting him, because his pervy texts really amused me, in that strange sadistic way.

I must inform you, dear reader, that on the internet, I am a pervert-magnet. I have had too many guys asking to cyber, too many disturbing pictures, and only a few of the previous said have declared their undying love for me. I'm really quite touched [but not in that way] that so many losers over the internet have chosen me to be their cyber partner. I always find a way to let them down, of course. It's really quite a fun game.

What worries me most is how they got my contact details...

Anyway. Then there was a hiatus. I received virtually nothing the next day, only "hi babe wat u up 2" every 10 goddamn minutes or so. What, he must have one of those 'drinking birds' next to his phone... bird goes down, *SEND*, bird goes back up... aaaaaand repeat.I actually have one of these. Endless hours of fun.

Now onto his nickname, Mud Guy.

Just today, he asked what I was up to (that fucking drinking bird...!!). Wednesday suggested as a reply, "I'm up to my neck in mud", so I sent that. So Mud Guy said, "why babe wats happened x I wish I cud be with u x". I found the only logical answer to be, "What, you want to be in the mud with me?" BAD mistake... "Ye babe i would love to be in the mud with you" "in what way, exactly?" "Well well well we would both be fully naked babe doin what ever you want"

I'm too... disturbed to reply, but if I was naked in the mud with him, I'd probably want to slap him, kick him in the nuts, tear off his ear (I don't know why), steal his wallet, and run away [and as MoMo says, hide in a cave and call myself Golem]!

And that is why he is called Mud Guy.

Some part of me wishes this is one big prank by a girl in our skool.

But the rest of me wants to toy with his libido for a little while longer.Of course, if Mud Guy was like Till I'd probably be thinking differently about all this.

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