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Tuesday, August 22, 2006


Posting once more

BAHAHAHAHAHA that's so funny HAHAHAHAHA...oh wait, no it's not Shut up. I know this post is like, weeks after the last. And I don't have a reason.

BUT, tomorrow I'm going to start raising hell in Greece. Hey, that's not really a good thing to say, since all the terrorists scares 'n' all... Anyway, I felt like posting. Just to say 'goodbye temporarily'. And because I haven't posted in a dang long time. Speaking of posts, this is the 199th post, so expect a 200th post celebration next time I post. Which should be next week.

To explain the picture, first of all... Most of us would be familiar with Jem (on the right, for the short-sighted). The other one is a fox-girl-thing that I made up for no apparent reason. The name going for her at the moment, if I can't find a better one, is 'Hyori'. (Credit goes to Nikki for that one.) OK... so that picture isn't the best of them. But I don't care. Screw all yaz. (Not literally.)

Unfortunately, I have once again got hooked to www.runescape.com (That's RUNE SCAPE, not run escape). My old user was InvaderJem, as it always is, but I forgot the password, or it got hacked. So now it's Teh Ch8t. Because I couldn't think of anything better, until later. So anyway, right now I think I'm... level 15 or 16, or maybe even 17. And Nikki's about 10 levels above me, damnit. But I don't care, I love MMORPGs. Appart from... Some of the people. I don't know how many times I've run into someone saying, "Wann trade wid meh?", or, "Wann fite?" "No, thanks." "OMG u r liek, so reported, u n00b". And then there're people who say, "Run, run away, he's gonna kill u" when your hitpoints are almost full. No, they just want to take over your fight and get the credit. And once, there was this one guy in the wilderness (that's where other players can attack you), and he said, "Come onto the wilderness, don't worry, I won't kill you." And then he tried to force me on there. Hmm... But, you must admit, there are holy-crap good graphics for a java. Shame about the people, again. A message to da peoples:



Huh, it's late. Kinda late, anyway. And I haven't even properly packed. Naw, I think I'll go play RuneScape until about 2am now.

I've been down the morgue! I got an leg! I'm supposed to write an essay on it, but I think I just gonna stick it on the bonnet of my car!

Friday, August 04, 2006


We're all going on a Summer Holiday... or not

Oh meh geh - That ship has a tenticle, and it's groping that girl!!
Hey, guess which movie I've just been to see!! Yep, that's right - Cars.

No, I'm seeing that next week, maybe. OK, OK, OK, I went to see Pirates of the Caribbean. Well, more like dragged to see Pirates of the Caribbean. With my Nanny (to avoid confusion, my only living Granny), whom I call 'Ninja Nanny' behind her back. To introduce this new (I think?) character to my story, no one in my family household likes her. Well, no, that's too harsh. It's not that we don't like her, it's that... OK, once, she threw my sister's chocolate easter egg out of the window. For no given reason. She just did it. So, you could tell I was not exactly looking forward to going with her to see this movie. And it put me off more, due to the movie. 1 ~ I've never seen the prequel. 2 ~ I dislike romantic movies (as I heard this one was). 3 ~ ...it was the movie that my wonderful friend held her party (WHICH I WASN'T INVITED TO) at. Ah well, what the crap. I guess I should go, I thought, so I did.

First, I was fed. To be perfectly honest, I now wish I ate at my house before joining her. Her food is like a wolf in sheep's clothing - It looks harmless, but is deadly. (I know that's not what the story's really about, but you know what I'm saying.) I now have growing stomach pains. Why does this always happen when she cooks for me??

So, this movie. We soon set off to see it. What joy!! I give my ratings.

Given that I haven't seen the original, I was... somewhat confused. I could make out that Jack Sparrow was... a pirate, and he had a magic compass which points to whatever you want the most. And he was a bad pirate. That's what it seemed like to me!! I haven't a clue about the deal with Davey Jones, or about anything that would have some significance to the prequel. All pirate stories are the same, so it was soon easy to follow.

Not too shabby. All these actors were acting as well as they could... Some even overacting. Then Jonjo is there, with the same expression and tone of voice throughout the entire bloody movie. Main character? Erm... sure.

3D, 3D costumes, and crap like that
This was... holy crap-brilliant. Davey Jones, I mean, WOW, I think they overdid him a bit, there. There's a good chance that they just stuck a real octopus to the actor's face. The Cracken, I swore they just took footage of an octopus's tenticle and just rendered it in. However, there is one bit where the Cracken's tenticles goes down the ship, over the cannons... His tenticles are meant to be touching the cannons, but it sure didn't look like it. That's the only downside. The guy with the hermit crab head is awesome.

There apparently was some. All around me were gormless idiots laughing all the time... Take these 3 girls behind me!! They laughed at ANYTHING. Absolutely ANYTHING. There was also a little girl amongst them who kept asking stupid questions like, "What did he say?" I was quite tempted to turn around and say, "I thought movies were there to be watched, not talked over. So kindly SHUT YOUR TRAP." Where were we? Oh yeah. I'm the type of person who usually laughs the second time 'round, so I didn't find that much humor in it, myself. I did smile when that... girl... said, "What??" in her girly-voice, and Jack said, "What??" quieter, in the same tone that she said it in. Erm... it's funnier to see it.

Not much. Well, not much scares me. I did almost jump at one point, but quickly saw what was coming and so avoided the shock. It's where the other guy... erm... whoever Orli plays, goes on this island and searches the woods. I'm not saying the rest, as it'll spoil it for you. Anyway, there was such a shock amongst the audience, I swear it was a bit like a mexican wave. I mean, the guy in front of me, HA!! He quite literally flew out of his seat, and grabbed his neighbour (also a guy). I was laughing my a$$ off. Almost.

Killer monkeys
This movie definately had some.

Surprisingly, VERY LITTLE. I think there were about 4 scenes with love in them. The first scene in the entire movie is the woman waiting to be married. In the rain. The 2nd love scene is her kissing Orli, when they are re-united. 3rd - Jack and that woman seducing and flirting with one another. 4th - She actually kisses Jack (even though she's meant to be marrying the other guy). SL*T. But yeah... I like movies with as little romance as possible.

Erm... as all pirate movies need killing, well, all movies for that fact, this one did have a LOT of fight and death scenes. But not much blood. Where's the blood? And I swear Jack Sparrow must've died at least 3 times in that movie. That guy is like, immortal.

And yes, I was one of these people who were sad enough to watch the movie to the very end... credits and all. I heard about this 'secret scene', and wanted to see it. It is, and isn't, worth watching. It's so short, it's about 3 seconds long, but it's an awesome ending. If you want to know it, ask me yerself. I don't want to spoil it for most.

To choose between the better actor - Orli or Jonjo, I'd have to go for... Jonjo. No question. No, don't take it as a, "JOHNNY DEPP IS THE BEST ACTOR IN THE WORLD, AND HE IS FIT TO F*CK, I WANNA F*CK HIM, AAAAAAAARGH, I HAVE A VIBRATOR WITH HIS PICTURE ON IT," -kind of attitude towards him. But, you know how much I like 'Edward Scissorhands'. He is, despite his lack of emotion during the whole of 'Pirates of the Caribbean', a pretty good actor.

But a weird thing happened when I came home... My computer, this one, is right next to the conservatory. I noticed that the door was open, and that there was noise outside. So, as the curious person I am (as dodgy as that may sound), I went through the door. Outside was... a trampoline. And as soon as I had discovered it, my Mom forced me to jump 10 times on it. Even though it was still being built. Heck, I didn't know about this!! I was as surprised as hell!! ...But in a good way.

I am your doom...

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