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Friday, June 27, 2008


Why I gave up cello lessons

Rincewind: Makes a change from Iznogoud
Dearest reader: The following account on my last cello lessons are, in fact, true. True in every way. Not one detail has been exaggerated, as some people may do in such stories, and as you may think. I write this message because my story is entirely unbelievable. But it is completely true. Just letting you know. So I begin...

I gave up cello a few days ago. Gave it up for good. Well, with my current teacher, at least. I haven't had her for long, as the last teacher left due to awkward timings etc. The lesson before last was the lesson that made me think, "Is is worth it?" For, this is what happened. Granted, I was about 2 minutes late to the lesson. But I stood outside the door, waiting to be allowed in. She saw me several times while I stood out there. She acknowledged my exsistance; I know, because she smiled at me or nodded from time to time, but I still waited for her to finish with the previous girl. The head of music, coincidentally also my form tutor, watched all this from his classroom. I timed my waiting. It lasted 15 minutes. The lessons last 20. When I was allowed in, I was greeted with, "You're late."

This week's lesson was worse, though. Contemplating about giving it up or not was not needed; I instantly knew what to do when the following events occured. I went into the room. Teacher was all 'bubbly', like, "Hello Emily, how are you... etc etc [insert other such phatic talk here]" As I was getting the ol' cello out, I decided to tell her that I had one book, but with the other book, I only had the piano part, but could quite happily play from that if needed. "Oh." Was her initial reaction.

"Oh well, never mind."
"I'm a bit disappointed in you, Emily."
"I'm very angry at you, Emily" (full crescendo)

This mood change happened over the course of 1-2 minutes. It was quite spectacular, but scary. I've never made a teacher want to cry before. In fact, is that the kind of thing teachers should be proclaiming, even if it were true? I slowly backed out of the room, saying, "I don't think I should be here..." And I promptly crossed my name off the cello lessons list.

Form tutor/ head of music approaches me later on that day. He asks what on earth happened, and I told this exact story. He said that "she said you were being a bit cheeky and did this on purpose." As you would have read, I have done/been nothing of the sort, in fact, I said very little and why would I leave my books behind on purpose? He also said that her reaction "was... well, not necessary..." I can only conclude the woman is mad. Actually, this was not my conclusion, it was my parent's.

I could've said more on other things, but I won't. I think that's enough libel for one day.Oh noes I made Iznogoud cry :(

Sunday, June 15, 2008


Dad won't let me buy anymore Iznogoud stuff at the moment...

Think about it. This may very well be one of the biggest collections of Iz stuff/comics in England. I'm suffering withdrawal symptoms already.

Well I've got to page 5 of my comic so far. Then I realised: "Shit. I don't have a storyline." So the project's on hold.

Yeah if you've noticed, I've started uncensoring swears. That's because I wanted to access my blog from skool, but now blogger's blocked on the skool comps anyway, so it doesn't matter anymore. The very initial reason why I censored my swears was because I have McAffee on my compy. But some years ago I BECAME MASTER OF MCAFFEE ON MY COMP FEEL MY WRATH.


My dear daddy says that as we near our holiday (not saying when, filthy burglars!!), I will be allowed to purchase a few more books. I've decided: I'm going for the later ones (13th and onwards) because they're funnier in a bizarre way. But if the Turk's head pops up on eBay, I'll probably go for that one as well. Don't ask me why.

Also: I have an addition to my list. So: 4th reason why Iznogoud's not for kids, or 4th reason why Jean Tabary is a dirty old man.

Mind you, this reason's quite mild... I'll include it, anyway.

#4 Le piège de la sirène

OK so basically what's going on is, this bath in this 'ere pic, is a magic bath. I think: if you pull the plug whilst in the bath, you go to the island of the sirens. Dilat Laraht (french name... ugh! OK, Wa'at Alaf) goes down the plughole, to the island, and comes back. Now, what he says when he returns, is this:

"Do you want to know what I did with the siren, master?" "No! It doesn't interest me." "Damage! (? must be coll. french) I think it will interest you. One can't imagine what you can do with a siren! For example, you take the..."

Iz promptly shuts him up, so we never get to know what we can do with a siren. But I think we all have a pretty good idea. Especially when he goes into the bath and comes back again:

CALM DOWN!! Kids are reading, too!! Poor, mislead little kids!!

He says a bit more after that but I forgot to get a shot. Never mind.

Iznogoud is right: Dilat/Tuni/Wa'at really is a sex maniac.

If you ask me, I actually like Wa'at. His character has changed so much after Goscinny's death (may his soul be at peace...), but he gets funnier and funnier, and he never fails to make me laugh. So I 'welcome' the sex-obsessed servant.

But erm I still prefer Iz.

Any dang way. I managed to do something I've been meaning to do for about 4 years: Obtain a copy of 'Ompa til du dor' (special characters: APATHY PREVENTS). I love it. It's an album by Kaizers Orchestra, look em up. I especially love 'Kontroll pa Kontinentet' for some reason. Wait, I do know the reason: It reminds me of Iznogoud.

THERE I FUCKING GO AGAIN!! I'll shut up about Iz for 5 minutes now, I swear.

I went to see the latest Indiana Jones movie last Wed. --Thanks to Hannah! Anyway. I have to say: It is... worth watching. A passable effort. But I have to say: It's like watching an old dog trying to keep up with a young puppy. He's 65 years old, for Belissama's sake!! Why are they doing this now, I'd like to know. Why not at least 10 years ago, when poor Harrison F wouldn't have looked so rediculous doing such stunts... (even if he didn't do them himself, the suggestion's there). But no, it was quite good. They even got that cool kid from Even Stevens in there - it also seems he's being snatched up to do a whole line-up of movies. In this one he did a very good job, himself... but I do doubt they said 'Daddyo' in the 50s.

I think I may have put a spoiler in that description... so if you were wondering: (hi-light the next gap to see the spoiler)

The woman from the first Indi. movie is the mother of the kid. The kid is Indi's son.

So that's out the way...

Oh, as we were there during the week at 1pm, LOL, there was only about 5 other people in the cinema!! It was fookin great, man!! But there was a kid sitting next to us, about 8 years old... Questionable?

*tickticktickticktick 5 minutes is up* *breathes in* IZNOGOUD IZNOGOUD IZNOGOUD!!!!!!!!!!!

*runs down the hall* IIIIZZZNNNOOOOGGOOOOOOUUUUDD...........Triumph!
I'll never take a vow of Iznogoud-related silence again.

Tuesday, June 03, 2008


Scouts are a bad crowd

RUN, IZNOGOUD, RUUUUUUUN OK, so it was scouts tonight.

Yeah, I'm a scout.

*Subliminal message: JOIN THE SCOUTS*

Our scout leaders decided to do something more 'scout-y' for a change, I mean, last time at scouts we went down to the river, made origami boats, dropped them off the bridge, and bombarded them with rocks. That was random. One kid, Jack (I like Jack. He's weird. And he talks to me sometimes. And he's a redhead. Not really a valid reason, but...), ran into the river, threw a rock at a passing boat, missed, and hit a seagull instead.

Ahem, so this week we were to make 'natural art', i.e. collect natural things and make sculptures out of them.

Well, that's what we were supposed to do.

We went around Wimborne, where we're based, doing really chavvy things. We went into the park, you know, threw ourselves at some basketball hoops (I didn't... I mean, I'm about 4'10") and went off... We found several large sticks, which, when we were finished with them, they were tiny twigs. Why? Because the lads (there were only the four of us tonight! Huh.) kept whacking each other with them... Jack was usually the target.

We went into the industrial estate and broke a weird bridge-like thing.

The lads climbed on top of the recycling banks (bottle banks, whatever).

One of the lads (I think I know his name, but won't risk getting it wrong) threw a bottle into the air.

The same guy threw a chair (where did that come from??) into someone's garden.

Jack jumped over a wall, into someone's garden.

We stuck a traffic cone in the middle of the road.

The list goes on, but I'm sure this all counts as libel... eep... so I shall say no more. But what I will say are these two things:

We got assaulted by 3 chavs. One guy, two girls (at least one was a girl!! You can never tell with chavs). The bloke was like, "I f-ck your mom" etc etc, generally to all of us . Personally, I don't see how that's an insult to myself... But anyway. Then they tried to pick on me, get my attention, by saying, "Hey, girl... Hey, you girl... GIRL..." ... I think it's coz I was the only girl in the group out of 4, and uh, that leaves all kinds of insults just begging to be used. So we left them and I got attacked by a dog.

Eventually we went back to the hut with a load of sticks, stones, leaves, a feather, and a flower. We were making 'art' (i.e. piling the stones on a large stick), when 2 chavs come up to the hut and start acting macho. Ed, the leader, goes out and says, "Hello, can we help you?" and the chavs were like, uh, uh, no.. um... et cetera. So Ed invited them in. The chavs, of course, were reluctant. But Ed dragged them in. The chavs dived into the toilets, because they didn't want us to see them. But they were dragged into the main hall. KAHAHAHAHA.

There's more to say but I think that's enough so far.It's Pippin again!! No I don't have a thing about red heads. Red hair just suits him.

Monday, June 02, 2008


The amazing adventures of...

Is he not cute?
This is Pippin. He is one of the characters in my new comic book, in fact, he's one of the main characters. Does he not look cute, even if the pic was really rushed? (Sorry about the shit colour quality - saving probs) And in case you're wondering why he looks like a policeman, then... well, he is a policeman. And if weren't wondering that, or don't think he looks like a policeman, then f-ck you.
Yes, dear reader, I am starting a new life in the comic book profession. Well... I hope to, at least. So far, I've got to page 2 in the first issue of... I'm not telling you the name XP I'm planning on making them 40-ish page comics. Then they'll be published by some nice company and everything will be nice and lovely and fine. Yeah - I'm not speaking the name until it's been decided it's publishable, or I make a website dedicated to them... *thinks* *starts webpage*
Of course, if there's a publishing company already interested, then do contact me XD I want job security. Here's my email addy - sbsp_fan_1@yahoo.co.uk - email me if you're a publishing company, or someone who's already an undying fan of the series. Or want to ask a question. Or have nothing better to do. Please - no spammers, scammers, or anything else that rhymes.
I may host a couple of pages up when the first issue is done... dunno. Then I'll see if anyone likes it. I promise you, though... at least one person out there in the world will like it XD I've shown the first pages to someone already, and it appears somewhat successful.
But at the moment I've hit a snag; I dunno what the inside of a police station looks like. And I need to know for the comic. So the project's on hold until I catch the next episode of the Bill or whatever.
I'm just telling you all this because I'm excited. No idea why. And I'm getting pre-publication publicity. Or something.
I dunno.
I'll shut up now.

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