<bgsound src="http://geocities.com/depressio72/-x-nightwish_-_dark_chest_of_wonders.mp3" loop=infinite> m

Tuesday, January 31, 2006


What it is like to be loved

Hello again.

I used to 'have' 2 cats...I say 'have' because they were my neighbor's, but they didn't treat them well and so they starved. So I adopted them! Anyway, I purrrrrsuaded them (groan) into becoming my friends by feeding them chicken. Then they wouldn't leave me alone. However, I liked their company so I didn't mind. Soon, they died, and I was left alone.

Today I found a kitten, sitting by a car, staring at me. I went over to it and it edged away. I decided to shout "BOO" to it, and it ran...not very far. Then suddenly, it allowed me to come close, and I stroked it. It circled me and jumped up every time I put my hand out. Then I started walking away, for I wanted to go home. But it started rolling on the ground so I stayed a little longer. Then I decided it really was time to go, and so walked away again. Then the kitten ran after me, meowing as it ran. I wondered...what would happen if I lured it back home? So its little legs skipped after me, until it suddenly stopped. I walked over to it. Suddenly, the kitten jumped, and ran off. Then it went into 'hunting mode', and chased after a bird. The bird flew away, and the kitten went away from me. I was left all alone again.

So here is a lesson to be learnt: You are only properly loved by gifts, and those who really love you for who you are will soon find someone else. What fun.

My blogger is still being gay. No more pictures :(


I look around...and most people are working. Sad@sses.

I'm in IT now. Here is a picture of Ultra-Peepi. I haven't had much time looking for any pictures. Why does Ultra-Peepi look so much like Penfold?? Anyway, I want to say something. I finished my work ages ago, yet haven't been bothered to print it out. Now, I feel like telling you about the Invader Zim episode I watched yesterday (no, it might actually interest you).

Well, I was watching Door to Door. That episode was shown after 9-11, just for the record. They were going to edit that episode (you'll see why in a minute), but accidentaly aired the unedited episode. So when it first came out, I think everyone would've been horrified. For one scene was this: Zim puts some virtual goggles on the neighbors, and what the neighbors see is some buildings burning to the ground. One of these is The Twin Towers. Talk about "oops!"

Well, I don't feel like working.

And now I've run out of time. Good-pie!!

Monday, January 30, 2006


Moderate luck

I saw a pigeon today. It zoomed across the small field beside me and perched on a lampost, studying my every move. I was walking at the time, so there was not much to study. But as I approached the lampost, it flew away. If you're wondering about the significance of this, I need to tell you it's one of my supersticions. If a pigeon is on a lampost, and you run under it, it'll bring you good luck. If you walk under it, bad luck'll come. If it flies away, and you walk under, moderate luck'll be for youuuuu. So if you see me darting under lamposts with pigeons on them, you now understand why. Anyway, back to the story, moderate luck it was.

I came back home. I was wondering what 'luck' will come. I entered through the door, and saw the letters lying there, on the 'welcome' mat. I picked them up, and went through them. The last one I saw...was addressed to me! I almost died of excitement...nothing apart from bird magazines come to ME!! I also noticed it was from the Bournemouth arts institute. I went there last summer to do an animation course (very cool, too, may I add) and so I assumed it was the CD or video that they said they would send, showing my work. When I opened it, I found out it wasn't. Damn. Bad luck... But found out something else, which shows my good luck. I quit going to that crummy violin thing, so I had a free Saturday. So, as moderate luck would have it, the arts institute have given me a leaflet, saying about Saturday courses. Animation's there! So guess where my Saturdays are going to be spent...


Well, blogger's being gay and is not uploading my images. Bloody thing. USEEEEEEEE YOUR IMAGINATION and IMAGINE a picture of ZIM HEEEEEEEEEEERE

Saturday, January 28, 2006


Question Sleep

Question sleep. Not today, thanks *yawn*. I'm quite tired, but I myself am not a fan of sleeping, but I love dreaming. I love finding out what crazy drug-inspired (not really, but hey, I don't know what I'm taking) dream I'm gonna have during the night. I remember when I had a nightmare about the Smurfs. One nightmare which scared the crap out of me when I was young was when a train and a car chased me up a tree. I was young! And at that point, I was ill. But enough about dreams!

I've been up since 10 o'clock. I'm a very lazy sod. But it's better than my old habits of waking up at 2 o'clock in the afternoon. I've had all day to write my history essay and I've only done one tiny paragraph. That is, three sentences. I'm not handing it in like that. I just...can't get back to it somehow. I think it was my Dad's fault, because while researching and stuff, he presented a how to draw manga book. From then on, I haven't done any work at all. Most of the time I've been reading that book. I drew some pictures of manga girls too. One which I kinda liked was a cool goth-girl. She was ok, I guess. I'd show you, but I daren't cast my eyes on the horrible filth on that paper. Then I figured I just couldn't be bothered to draw manga anymore, then went back to...I don't know, I don't remember. I've been lacking Omega 3 for over 2 years. I've been against eating any sea creature ever since I watched SpongeBob for the first proper sit-down-and-watch-the-whole-episode time. Cartoons are my influence, as you can tell.

Now, I guess I must continue with my getting-nowhere history essay on suffragists and suffRAGEttes (nice way to tell them apart).

Friday, January 27, 2006


Are people in Hungary hungry?

I decided yesterday that today until I die I'm gonna starve myself and not eat anything but breakfast. It was going well, so very well, until lunchtime.

I didn't feel very hungry at all when it was lunch. But it HAD to be Friday, didn't it?? For you see, Friday's chicken burger day. So when I got my things ready from my locker, I turned 'round and saw some people eating...CHICKEN BURGERSSSSSSSS. That's when I kinda lost it. I was hungry. I practically ran all the way from my locker to the cantine...thankfully as I'm always slow at getting my things ready and so when I got there there was hardly any queue left. So in about 5 minutes I was at the front, ordering what I wanted. But all the while, I was afraid that when I ordered, I would flood the skool with saliva. Thankfully I didn't. I went out of the cantine, and as soon as I got out I started eating. I wanted chips too, but y'know, starving and all that. But I am so very thankful. So very thankful indeed that I had the heavenly chicken burger of destiny.

Now I will babble about my Business Studies test. All the gIrLs in my class were saying how they're so perfect and know everything and wanted to go on the computer instead of revising. Though, I don't see how that is possible seeing as they haven't done any work this term. And I really do mean that. They probably don't even know what a soletrader is. I thought it would be easy, because I was dropped many 'hints' as to what the questions were, by many past participants. But I didn't know it was also a 'Sort out Mr Jolley's bad grammar' test as well. It was rather illegible...We basically had to ask for a translation for each question. And it wasn't exactly test-like, because we were allowed to talk. Or more like, we weren't but the plastics wanted to anyway. Despite this little distraction, I completed the test, and I think I got over 80%...if I'm lucky. Mr Jolley's not a very good teacher.

I'm going to watch Monty Python's the Meaning of Life now. I watched the Holy Grail a couple of days ago and haven't stopped saying, "We are the knights who say...NI!" (or however it's spelt.)


Thursday, January 26, 2006


Thoughts for the future

ARGH I have a weird song in my head which I heard on the radio, I don't know what it's called or the lyrics or the artist but it's THERE! Even worse, it's a PLASTIC song ARGH ARGH AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAARGH

Well, with that out the way, I will continue. Really I should be doing my homework or something. I've done a bit of art and a bit of IT...both in for tomorrow and neither complete. I also have a Business Studies test, so life is just WONDERFUL for me at the moment. But knowing me, I choose not to do either. I think I'll do a Vampeep comic for the skool mag in a minute, but the deadline was 2 weeks ago. My back-up plan is to shove 'em on the interesting net if they are rejected. Anyway, while doing my rubbish art work, I've considered more deeply in quitting it. Y'know, the teacher has to ask at the beginning of the lesson for my book, so she can go over it and see how crap I'm getting on. And guess what, I'm the only person she does it to! It'll take more than butt-kissing to get in her good books. People complained because they got Bs, but I on the other hand... anyway, I think I shall ask to quit if she gives me another bollocking. My guess...3 minutes into tomorrow's lesson. Just like last time.

Next week is also nicely lined up for me. On Tuesday I have a maths test. I just remember one formula:

-b +/- square-root b squared - (4xaxc)

That's for solving quadratic equations, or something. Only thing I remember. The rest is a blank. Then after this test, on Wednesday I have a major injection (polio, tetanus, and...something). Those who know me well know I have a MAJOR phobia of needles, but take my blood any day. I'm fine with blood tests! I don't know why... Well, last year, we had a BCG jab. I nearly knocked the needle out of the nurse's hand. I refused, and screamed at her. Then I got up and left without getting the jab. (I had to go back later, but I still refused again and the b1tch shoved the blessed thing in my arm and it was too late.) Even thinking about the needles makes my arm feel numb on the outside, but painful inside. Even now. My arm hurts so bad... I hate ze needles. My mom says I can have some Invader Zim toys if I get it done, and I'm pleading her that she gets me some numbing cream, 'coz she's a pharmacist. But she refuses, because it has to be on prescription. Foiled again.

So I have a very nice week lined up for me. How fun!!

Tuesday, January 24, 2006


Nuts, balls, and lesbians.

Yes, yes, I KNOW how dodgy the title of this post is. I intentionally made it that way. Heh, I thought it up during my Violin lessons. But in case you weren't wondering, this post WILL be child-friendly. Hopefully. Yeah.

OK, let me explain the 'Nuts' bit first. Those who know anything about me should know I am seriously allergic to nuts. Those who don't should get out their homework diaries and write in a reminder to learn that simple fact for homework. Well, today of all days, I had an allergy attack to one of the worst nuts for my allergy: Walnuts. Sophie was eating some walnuts in the changing rooms in PE, and teased me with them by hovering them next to my face. Along comes Alice, and almost shoves one in my mouth. Then she learnt I was allergic. Ha, you shoulda seen her face!! Anyway, I thought I'd be fine until my symptoms came up during PE. My mouth tingled, then itched, then my throat itched too, then they both hurt... I had to rush off to the reception (thankfully is close by) before anything else happened. Unfortunately the receptionists have a habit of taking their time over emergencies. All in all, I'm glad my throat didn't get to the point of swelling up and causing me not to breathe, which is what it would have done otherwise.

Now 'Balls'. As I have mentioned in previous posts, balls and I do not get along. In volleyball, after triumphantly returning after my near-death experience, I was made to continue the exercises. These were, chucking the ball about for a bit. Then we got to do some matches against each other. In the same minute, I got hit by two different balls: one from behind and one on top of my head. I also have the ability to overreact, and as usual, collapsed on the floor. People were laughing at me, I don't know what for, the collapsing in a comical manor or the fact the ball bounced off my head, and people around me tried to get me back up again. But knowing me, I refused to for a bit. Then I sprang back up, and discovered I had a headache. Y'know the strange thing is, I can't exactly fall down when I want to; I can only do it when there's some damage done to me. Weird.

And finally, "Lesbians." Evil's been p1ssed off with me lately ever since I saw her hugging a girl, and called her a lezbo (I'm terribly homophobic and she knows it o_0 ). But she's hugged more girls since then, and my name calling has become more frequent. Well, she's meant to be hard-core rock-loving Evil, for crying out loud!! I think that all girls who hug other girls (and same for men and men) are gay. Despite the truth, that's what I think. Please don't hate me for my strange belief. I know it's a friendly gesture and all that, blah blah blah. ANYWAY, so now she's ignoring me and sh1t. Only NOW, after about 1 or 2 weeks, have I finally found out that the girl she keeps hugging is a self-harmer, who is currently starving herself to death (stupid girl). I don't see why Evil's so worried, I mean, it's not her who's starving, and the girl won't die 'coz she'll go to hospital, if it gets bad. And now the girl has a group of mourners. When I starved myself (I do it quite a lot, actually), nobody gave a toss. Is it just me? Do they care about me? I guess not. Evil's too soft now, I don't like it. I don't like it at all. But I ain't jealous or depressed right now, 'coz I don't need her, Jonesy, or Sophie (they're sticking up for Evil and they're all ignoring me).

What fun my day's been!!

Monday, January 23, 2006


♪ I'm falling in the air... ♪

I thought I'd just write about this, as I'm very bored and it seems like the most major thing in my life so far.

Today, after...about 4 or 5 years, I've finally fallen over. I was walking with Jonesy, across the field, me being part on the path and part on the grass. We were talking about Jaffa Cakes for some reason, when suddenly I found myself lying on the ground. "I have fallen over," I thought, pointing out the obvious. I asked Jonesy to help me back up again, as I had a backpack on my back, so I felt like a turtle (on its back). But Jonesy just laughed at me. Not because of the fact I'd fallen, but because of the way I fell. My Grandad taught me to fall with me arms outstretched to the sides, and so I wouldn't damage my arms (and believe me, it works. My knees are the only things which were hurt). So in Jonesy's eyes, I looked like a penguin. But for some odd reason, I didn't feel embarrassed or humiliated. I picked up my things (after much trouble) and carried on with our engaging conversation. There were people around us, but they didn't give the impression of having see me fly and splat on the ground like that. When I got inside, I discovered that my rough book was partially ripped, and all my stuff was mudded-up. Thankfully, my picture of Jem on my rough book was one of the very few things left undamaged. Also, Jonesy pointed out my trousers. It showed exactly how I was walking: as I said, partially on the path and partially on the grass. Now there are two stains on my knees. On the left it's white, and on the right it's brown. I blamed it on a new trend I'm starting.

Strange thing is, I don't actually know how I fell. I just found myself on the floor, looking like a penguin. A bit like this, really:

I didn't get hurt in any way, physically or mentally. But I did get a little p1ssed off with Jonesy when she wouldn't stop going on about it.

Sunday, January 22, 2006


Boom Bang Splat.


Yesterday I discovered a website. It's called BoomBang and it's basically a chat-room kinda thing. But it's pretty cool. Yeah. ^That's my character, InvaderJem (I like my Invader Zim fan character, don't I??). I'm..uh...meant to be an alien. But it's strange, all the girls scream out, "EWWWWWWW It's a horrible green slimey girl!!!!!!" and all the boys say, "You're cute :)". The world works in mysterious ways.

But there's one problem with BoomBang: scammers. Horrible horrible evil melevolent malicious assmasters. I hate them. Yesterday, I think I got scammed 3 times.

  1. I don't know if this counts, but it's going on here anyway. 1 guy (who's a friend there) asked if he could 'borrow' my parrot. If I don't get it back soon, they're going to die.
  2. Someone wanted to trade. They only gave me half of the things I wanted then said, "That's it. Go away now." Assmaster. At least they gave me something.
  3. One guy, yoshi4682 or something like that, said he could clone items. He bullied me into giving him something. So I gave him the cheapest thing I had, flowers, instead of my tent and my parrot which he originally wanted. "Is that IT?" he said. Then he said, "Wait, it's working..." Then said, "Thanks Dumbass," and left. I'm glad I only gave him flowers. Assmaster.
  4. Another guy, I forgot his name, said he had a 2000 cred code, and he wanted to trade it with me for my parrot (they like my parrots). So I said, "Give me the code first." He said no. I asked again, telling him I didn't trust him. He said, "I'll give you half of it." I almost accepted, until..."Hold on...Why don't you just BUY a parrot with the creds?" He quickly left. Assmaster.

Then this morning, another guy used the clone technique. His name was IceFire. I'd heard it all before, and declined his offer. He wouldn't leave me alone. I left, and soon Nikki (nixminx) came into contact with our scammer-friend. He was on his island. He kept kicking me off, and I said he was kicking me. He just made the lame excuse of that my computer must be playing up. So I told her to send him to her island, so he couldn't boot me. I told her what to say, to tell him that she's trying to send something to him, and after putting him into suspence (He thought he was gonna get something out of it), it was time for the grand finalé. Nikki kicked him off, and he came back. She explained his computer must be messing up. "No it's not, I swear," he said. "Oh, then maybe I KICKED YOU" she said, and kicked him off again. He didn't come back. But then we decided to go trace IceFire, and warn other people of his evil scamming ways. We saved about 3 people. IceFire was not happy.

I think I'm gonna make a website dedicated to scammers on BoomBang. Hehe! That'd p1ss some people off!!

Thursday, January 19, 2006


Art is a total waste of time.

Today my art teacher went through some people in my class on how they're doing in their art work. Unfortunately I was the last. I bounded up to her desk when she called my name, and sat in the seat provided. She broke it to me gently: "Some of it's good, and some of it's bad." She said the first 'some' more stressed, meaning "hardly any of it's good". She then picked up my book, and went through all the horrible ones, saying how they're dire beyond belief. The only thing she said was good was my 'famous' magpie drawn in biro, shown up there^. She said how she liked it and how she showed all her friends, blah blah blah. But as that was near the beginning of the book, it made the rest of my evaluation painful. She then asked things like what I thought of my work, and why I didn't write my own self-evaluation of all my pieces. I couldn't exactly tell her, "I think all my work's absolute sh1t," as detention would soon follow. I then thought of going through my book, marking, "This is sh1t," at the bottom of each page. After her talk it made me think of trying to be an animator as a waste of time. Art is a waste of time. Should I even bother turning up to the lessons? No way, man. I cannot draw, I'm no artist. I'VE BEEN WASTING MY WHOLE LIFE DRAWING!!!!!!!! I think I'm going to do one more Vampeep comic, then give up the whole art thing. No point at all.

I was supposed to see her (the teacher) at lunchtime to 'catch up' with my work, but I couldn't bring myself to it.

Goodbye, dreams.

Wednesday, January 18, 2006



Nyee-hee-hee-hee! I finished Teacher's Pet Hate at last!!!!! Tomorrow I'll need to correct it, but who cares??

Well, anyway, that piccy up there ^ is of something I made in English. Mr Fabridge was talking about Romeo and Juliet, so I pulled out some of our work. I chose, "Commas are fun," and decided to draw...a sort of stick-demon thing. Then it came into a bigger picture...with more detail...then a background...click on the picture and see for yourself. I just sincerely hope we don't have to hand the work in... Anyway, I decided to call him, "Soulstealer". And he steals souls. Y-yeah.

What else to say? Ugh...well, uh, in Business Studies, me and another girl called Sarah Lothian are...top of the class? Or everyone's just so very behind. So very behind indeed. Indeedy-doody. (I love saying that.) So our teacher, Mr Jolley (who hates me, just for the record) told us to sleep. How fun was the lesson?

Well, I have nothing else to say. So here's a picture of the almighty Tallest staring in horror (at Zim who has a brain-sucking creature on his head).

Tallest Purple: I think I'm gonna be sick...*makes barfing noises*

Tallest Red: NO! NOT ON THE DONUTS!!!!!

Monday, January 16, 2006



Hello again, again. That ^ is a picture of my Invader Zim fan character, Jem. There's a story behind her and stuff, but I don't feel like telling it. Well, I drew it in English. Mr Fahbridge (or however it's spelt) is a really cool guy, but he picked people's work and read them out, so I had to avoid eye contact at all costs, in case he singled me out. Thankfully he didn't.. But doesn't she look cool on those spider legs?? Of course she doesn't.

This morning we had to sit through a play. It was about...I don't know really. I think it was about drugs, though I don't know the message behind it. For you see, they gave the impression they were on drugs. It started as them dressed as paramedics, screaming, "BREATHE!!!" then they started dancing. I was so very confused. So very confused indeed.

But it would have been so much better if the lesson I missed was history. I didn't know my coursework had to be in!! Well, now if I don't get it in tomorrow, I get an after-skool detention. I'm not saying I don't deserve it, because I'm so unorganised you would wonder how I manage to live. What I'm saying is that it's not fair, as if I have a detention, even for 1 hour, I'd be stuck there for another hour and a half, for no one could pick me up from skool until about 6:00. So I've had to do the whole thing... ha ha ha.

And now I have to continue my homework and my comic. I'm half-watching DangerMouse at the moment. So...

Friday, January 13, 2006


Post #61

I couldn't think of a name for this post, so called it Post #61 (you can check for yourself). Up there's a piccy of Tak. With some ribs. Ready to throw at Zim. Speaking of pictures, I'd have one at the end, but the internet keeps closing everytime I add a second picture (even if I delete the first). Right now my Dad's drinking tea or coffee, some brown liquid substance anyhow. And every so often I hear these loud gulping sounds behind me. It annoys me, and makes me feel sick. I want to throw something at him.

I would have posted yesterday, only I started my Teacher's Pet Hate comic last night. It's going to be about 2 or 3 pages long. So far, after 3 hours of drawing, I managed to do 1 page. I wanted to die for the inproductivity. Moreover on comics, I had to go to a skool magazine meeting today. Only, I was told 5 minutes before the meeting that I had to be there. I'm always late to get to skool, and Charlie had the lovely honest heart to tell me that I never listen, so miss out on things. Oh, and by the way, since I'm late, I never hear these announcements. Thank you, Charlie! I never knew I had the ability to hear something in my class from my Mom's car! Anyway, I got to my meeting. It was very short. Then Hannah steps up and announces that I'm going to be doing a very long Vampeep comic. Joy! More work for me to do without knowing it! Alas, when I'm an animator I'll have more work to do, so I must get used to it, I guess.

End of post now, so imagine a picture of Zim...


Tuesday, January 10, 2006



Cool pic #572.

Hello, my fine hobbit friend. I feel rather sick at the moment, as I have just eaten a lump of white chocolate with food coloring on. But anyway, tomorrow our German German teacher (yes, a German teacher who is in fact German herself) wants us to say a 1-minute speech on where we live. Well, I can tell you, from where I live (in the middle of nowhere) even if I was speaking in English I wouldn't be able to fill that 1-minute space. A school, a church, and a sports centre...that's it in my village. I...am so screwed. Not only that, the speech is in front of the whole class, with no notes. Really, I should be learning it now, but I thought I'd be nice and let you read all about this. Aw, aren't I kind??

Today in PE, our new topic is volleyball. I thought to myself, "This is going to be too easy. Just hitting a ball over a net...ANYONE can do that!" But I was so wrong. So very wrong. I couldn't be any wrongier. Because I am vertically challanged (in other words... SHORT), the ball would just get over the net. To show you how short I am, I can say...I could walk under the net very easily - without bending over/backwards. I am also a ball target. Ever since I was playing dodgeball about 4 years ago... It was one of those sponge balls, a very old one. It flew at me, and hit me in the eye. 10 year old dust flew into my face, causing a very red eyeball. Ever since then, balls fly at me from EVERYWHERE. Today's damages: fingers, wrist, back, left side. In less than an hour. FUN FUN FUN.

I...I think I should learn my ever-so short German speech now.


Saturday, January 07, 2006


Happy birthday to me

I turned 15 today. Damn, I'll have to get used to this new age quick, so it doesn't come a shock to me when I turn 16...holy tish! That seems so old! (Well, to me anyway.) I gonna have problems with this. I don't wanna be older, I don't have much time left as a kid... and then I'll have to work or die slowly and horribly and be mugged 'n' stuff... I hate birthdays like I hate Christmas.

Well, a change in the invites! 4 came out of the 12. Joy. How fun that was. We went to see 'Wallace and Gromit - Curse of the Were-Rabbit'. I'm very late in seeing these 'ere movies. But I guess it was OK coz I love Aardman and want to work there as an animator etc etc. Cool film, but it took about 10 years to do I hear... Bet that was fun.

Then we came home. I ignored the still wrapped presents my parents gave me; I didn't want them as I was not in the mood. What we did...tortured Penfold, my hamster, then ate. We all ate the pizza, but the hotdogs and evil processed chicken sandwiches were virtually left untouched. My cake was a rather small Wallace and Gromit cake. It was...very small. Then, we watched Angry Kid, yet another Aardman production. My Mom walked in on us a few times, which was very awkward as AK has swear words in it. Then we did nothing. Then they went home. It was all very interesting.

I then was persuaded yet again to open some presents. I did. There were only a few, but there was one I really had fun with. It was a W&G modelling kit (from the good folks at Aardman themselves). I spent about an hour or two modelling Gromit. And, although he looks like he's been wasted, and rolling in dirt (he's very grubby), I'm kinda pleased with the result. I'd show you a pic, but I need to take a photo, so maybe another day. He's standing proudly on the coffee table right now, but I've been told to move it.

One last thing, I found out I came runner-up in Sabertooth Kitty's vacation competition at clubdm.com. She went to Egypt, and I guessed Africa, but since continents weren't allowed, she made me runner-up instead. Well, I'm happy with that ;) Apparently I get a prize too! Coolio.

Maybe being 15's gonna be good?

Friday, January 06, 2006


Feelin' blue.

I know I just posted a few hours ago, but I HAD to post again.

'Coz you see, I found out that when I sent 'round those invitations for my party (my bday party that is...obviously), everyone's turning the invitation down. If you've seen Invader Zim - Bestest Friend, you'd see what I mean in the scene where Keef hands out the invites to a surprise party for Zim. Everyone's just saying they can't make it for...reasons. I'm just left with, like...2 people out of the... about... 12 I invited. How lame do I feel? Too many times has this happened. Do you know what it is to be alone...to know that you're alone, on the one time you don't want to be? When you think someone cares, and you realise that was all a lie? Pain that cannot be cured, for there is no cure.
I think I should forget the party idea and stick with my manic-depressive-self-harming self this year, like I did for my 13th (let's not go into THAT bday). 'Coz I know I feel that way now.

I've been asked to post my wish-list on here, by someone who might (just might) be coming. My wish-list is...nothing. There's no point. Why bother? Just leave me with some cyanide pills and...I'll be just fine.


Teacher's pet hate

Today's my last day of being 14 years old. Was it well spent? I don't know, but a lot of things happened.

First up: Jade suggested making the Jhonen Vasquez version of 'me' into a comic. I like that idea. She said she looks like a trouble-maker, and the skool's worst student. I tried to think of a name I could make for the comic (if it was made into one, that is), and after thinking for a bit, came up with 'Teacher's pet hate'. Hehe, I kinda like that name.

Next, there was the skool magazine meeting. I was late, but it didn't matter, because it consisted of a sixth-former babbling on about Top shop sponsering them, and how every girl will like that idea and crap like that. Finally the teacher turned up and put me out of this misery. She didn't say much, and dismissed us. I was just about to walk out, until she stopped me. Kids were staring at me (Why do people like to stare at me??). She asked if I could do 2 cartoons and not 1, as I apparently have a fan! A guy called Andy was just CRAZY about my cartoons! I couldn't believe that...Anyway since I was talking to her, I decided to tell her about the name incident. She didn't know about this, and said it wouldn't happen again.

Last (I guess), LP came on the bus today, and sat by me. She then started a conversation about...something, I can't remember what. But what fascinates me is that a once-enemy is now a... I guess back to aquaintance. We talked all the way to our stop. Well, I guess I never thought she'd EVER talk to me again. Well, I don't like making enemies anyway.


Thursday, January 05, 2006


Thanking God

Well, today was the first day back at school. I'm glad my birthday's on Saturday, as usually it's the day we go back on. Well, that picture I showed you last time of 'Me', I kept drawing it pretty much everywhere. In Chemistry, the teacher stopped talking, turned to me, and asked, pointing at a picture of a replica, "Is that you?" I shrunk into my stool. The class was silent. "It's...just a girl," I replied, endeavouring to hide it. "Well," she said in her scottish accent, "It's looks a lot like you." And she carried on. I sat up straight again. That's the first compliment I've ever got from my Jhonen Vasquez version of 'me'.

Anyway, about the thanking God part. I got home, and decided that I should go out for a bike ride with my new chopper. It's so purple... Anyway, I got changed into my Dib-style clothes, grabbed my chopper, and shot off down (or should I say up) the col-de-sac (sp? oh well). At first I happily rode around my area, with the winter breeze blowing onto me. People complain how cold it is but lucky me doesn't feel the cold in winter, or the heat in summer, so basically I don't know what they're talking about. But then when I got to a bumpy patch of grass, I noticed a quite hidden arch-way. Feeling my adventurous self as usual, I decided to go down it. I then came onto a road I'd never seen before. "Can't be far from home," I thought. I couldn't have been more wrong. Down the road I went. 3 boys were snooping around with their bikes up ahead. I gained speed. They watched me as I zoomed past. "Is that...Emily?" one called out. "Yup," I replied, and gained even MORE speed. I knew who one of them was, but tried to deny it. I turned at the corner. A distant road was set ahead of me. There was a thin path by the road. I thought I knew where I was, and so went down the dangerously thin path. But after some riding, realised that I wasn't getting anywhere, and that I DIDN'T know where I was. I quickly thought up a prayer asking me to get home safely and not run into those boys again. "Turn back," a voice in my mind said. I obeyed. I picked up my bike and spun it 'round quickly, as cars were everywhere. I then went back up the path. Soon I came to another path on the right of me, just before the road with those boys. I went down it. As I did, I realised..."I'm close to home! I know where I am!!" and rode off homewards. I couldn't believe how close I was to home at that point. "Thankyou God," I whispered, as the wind whirled around me. Home at last. And here I am, glad I made it before my Dad found me missing. Hey, and this isn't the first time this has happened!

Wednesday, January 04, 2006


Hey again

Man, I've left this blog alone for about 5 days!! I was going to do an entry on New Years Day/Eve, but I had no time. But NOW, I've finished most of my homework, and can relax a little, as I've been cramming all my time into getting my work finished. First off, explaining that pic up there ^. That was a piccy I drew of me Jhonen Vasquez-style (kids have big heads and small bodies...especially Dib!) and so I was very bored and therefore it resulted in a dumb pic that looks nothing like me. If you squint a little, you can JUST ABOUT see what I remotely look like. It looks like it's been done in pen, but do not be fooled; it's just my crappy scanner mucking up pencil.

Things that have happened...well, uh...I fixed my computer (all by myself! Yay!) because it wouldn't install games/screensavers/basically anything installable. So I had a craving for the Sims, and decided something had to be done. So I fixed it. Joy! I have 2 families on there (appart from the families you're given), and one's the NarfMaster family. That's random. And the other's the Membrane family, based on Prof. Membrane, Dib, and Gaz's family. OK, so their last name's NOT Membrane, but they don't have a real surname, so I had to do with that. I promised myself not to download any more junk, but alas, within 5 minutes of playing, I downloaded some Zim-related stuff. Sigh. But I cannot find anymore, so if you're reading this, and know a place with Zim Sim downloads (not from www.roomwithamoose.com ), shout at me and I'll be so happy!! (by the way, original Sims this is, not the Sims 2) I REEEEEEEALLY want the skins *breathes heavily*

Now with that out of the way, I'll just say I'm very thirsty and tired. But I can't be bothered to do anything about it. Tomorrow is skool again, and I'm just HOPING it's not week A, and that it's week B. If it was week A, then when I go back I have to do a speech (in german, of course) in front of the whole class, no notes. I'd rather die. If it was week B, I'd have to do it on Friday instead, giving me a little more time. This is quite bad, seeing as my birthday's on the 7th (a Saturday). I'll be 15. WHHYYYYY do I have to be one year older?? I just got used to being 14!!

*leans back* I guess that's it really. Oh, and Happy new year!

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