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Monday, September 17, 2007


The inferior are always in the wrong.

Poor little Penfold :(
I told you I'd post a picture of Penfold. There he is ^, I don't know why his eyes are half-shut, so don't ask. I think it's because of the flash on the camera. Or maybe he was tired. In the background, you can see my The Cheat toy (which Pen and Marzi liked climbing on, for some reason). Yep, this is one of photos-just-before-he-died. Which is... quite a scary thought, if you think about it. We're thinking of making a keyring or something of this photo. By the way, Pen was buried on Saturday, under a plum tree in our backgarden. Nice place of burial.
Anyway, that's not the main reason for making this post. This is the reason:
OK, today, my maths teacher called me over. So I went to see her. She said: "Your homework is unacceptable, Emily." "Why?" asked I.
"Because you used the wrong kind of paper to draw your graph on."
Honestly, I thought she was joking when she said this. But she went on:
"You used square paper. You MUST use graph paper to do your graphs on."
Usually, I wouldn't mind a protest such as this. Hear her out, learn from my mistakes... But there was one thing preventing me from doing so. This fact? She gave me the paper to do my homework on. I pointed this out to her.
"Yes... well... I hope you learn from your mistake. Just don't do it again."

Tuesday, September 11, 2007


Ding dong, the hammy's dead...

I have a hamster, his name is Deadles... Last night I went to my room, as you do... I went to check up on little Penfold, who was recovering from his cold. I peered through the bars of his cage, and immediately I knew something was wrong.

Why? Because his little body wasn't moving.

So I looked closer, and found that he wasn't really moving at all. Just slumped there, seemingly asleep.

I moved away his tunnel-toy, which he had next to him. He didn't jump.

I pulled his bedding. He remained unstirred.

Finally, I touched him. Just gently. This was enough to confirm my belief: He was dead. Stone cold. I picked him up to have a look at his little dead body. His body and head were stiff, but his legs were still floppy, so I guesstimate his time of death was no more than 3 hours before I came up to see him (about 10:30).

What I find so terrifying is that the day before, and the day before that, I was taking pictures of him. I took about 130 photos, but I had no idea he was gonna die so suddenly. But - He was fine the day before yesterday! Put him in his hamster ball, he ran around, and he was just fine!

I'll post some of the pictures up here soon; I'm on a skool computer right now (Ahem...). We have another hamster, who was going to be Penfold's mate (shut up! I had a good reason!), her name's Marzipan, because of her colour. She adored Penfold and followed him everywhere, and now she's on her own. What a shame! But, I won't hate her or shun her or ignore her or anything. Quite the opposite - I'll take care of her as much as I can, almost obsessively, if I must.

Well, all good things must come to an end.

Last of all, I shall place a quote here that's on a little keyring that I was given, by my dentist, also yesterday (Don't ask, long story, too long to write here now and it'd spoil the mood anyway):

If you can't change something, change the way you think about it.

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