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Monday, June 18, 2007


I don't know what to call this blogpost


Oh my... I just looked over some of my past-past blogposts, and realised that I am one strange person. Things like, "My stomach is in pain, and I've died." And things about my hand twitching wildly, threatening to kill me.

I also discovered that I am a very obsessive person. Such things I ignore in daily life, only to be accepted as, "That's me!". So you won't be wondering what I'm obsessed with now... I'll tell you anyway. At the moment, it's old retro 80-90s games.

Like... LEMMINGS!!!!!!!Going down...

But, oh well. I believe this obsessive nature to be bliss-like. However, the downside to it all is that I'm currently being investigated for Asperger's Syndrome. Well, I had it coming...

Speaking of which, my conversations with the quacks have been hillarious. Those around me (especially Evil) keep saying, "That's because you're an obnoxious cow lolololol" No, you pignorant girl(s). All you can think of is how wonderful you are, and how warm your ass is, seeing as the sun seems to shine out of it. Examples of my wonderful sayings to the quacks:

Example 1 "So, what television shows do you watch?" "Oh, for God's sake, I've been asked that 3 times before. If it was that important, it should already be in your notes." (Note: I dislike discussing my interests, especially with strangers. BELIEVE IT OR NOT.)

Example 2 Mom: "Thank you for your time." Me: "Why are you thanking her? She's getting paid for it." Doc: "Yes, yes that's true."

I think that's enough.

So, it's all a bit of fun really. Nothing entirely special. Honestly, I don't see anything wrong with what I said, but there must be SOMEthing wrong, because my Mom was screaming after I said both of them.

Screaming is a sure sign of discomfort.

Fry seems to be discomforted.

Wednesday, June 13, 2007


Where am I?

Yaargh I'm a pirate Dear World:

Appy-polly-loggies for not posting for about... 3 months. I had not time to do any posting. Or... anything to say.

But my main reason for leaving was because no one comes here anymore. Fred might still come here, but Nikki doesn't, Brandon doesn't... Basically no one does. How do I gain publicity when I'm not popular? That's a bugger.

Since my time away, I've lost a lot of friends. I mean A LOT. But do I care? Not one bit, because I don't need them.

Other things that have happened: Oh, only threats over the internet and flaming, just the usual. But I say: Those who have done such things are shallow-minded creatures that can't think of anything better to say than, "Get a life lolololol xxxxx". Who am I talking about? I'll name and shame: Melissa Fitzsimmons and Emily "Evil" Harwicke. Them saying "Get a life" is so hypocritical it's hillarious. At least I don't s(h)it in my room, destroying my hearing, or hanging around on street corners, selling myself to men...

I feel better already.

But no, I'm not here to... libel. I'm here to say, "Hello, old friend." I have 2 new kittens, Rosco and Jasper:

New? They're dead already

So I can gloat. HAR-HAR

The only problem is, they like jumping on my computer keyboard so when I turn the compy screen on again (I leave it on overnight because it takes ages to start-up again, and it would generally crash a lot... Do I care about the environment?), I often find something random... Once I found they had somehow got onto a chinese website. I... don't know what it was about. It was in chinese.

Anyway, I should be revising, because I'm in the middle of my GCSEs. It's hilly-arious; everyone comes out screeching, "OOOOOH, it was sooooooo hard!!" as if they were describing a night with their boyfriends. But, judging by the, "I missed 5 questions out!!", I would think they were talking about their exam. Though I could be wrong.

And how am I doing? Well. Very well. If I had someone TO complain to, I would be failing by now. But, I don't, so the thought of myself as a failure is not there, so I'm actually finding myself excelling, especially at subjects that I never expected to do so well in. Or, for that matter, anybody expected me to do so well in.

I'm going now. I may be some time.

And now for something completely different

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