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Tuesday, April 29, 2008


I've reached Nirvana!! ...Okmaybenot.

I've recently discovered a comic that's better than Asterix.

OMG, I bet you never thought it possible. But it's true. I have discovered a comic book written by the same guy that wrote the original Asterix stories (Rene Goscinny... there's an accent on one of the vowels, but I forget which one), and has a better storyline and funnier jokes.

Don't recognise the guy in the pic? I refer to the one and only IZNOGOUD!!

Well, that's not technically true. I've been reading the german comics, so really I've actually been reading Isnogud. There are only, like, 8 comics published in Englilsh (intentional speeling error), out of 27. So I thought, I'd better buy a load of german ones instead.

Enough of that. The one thing that Iznogoud has that Asterix has is... NEKKID WIMIN LOL [ahem not that I'm saying that's a good thing XO]
Half naked fairy o_0

As you will notice, that is not in fact a nekkid wimin but in fact, a semi-nekkid fairy. What I don't understand is that he's oggling her now, when later she is completely naked (I AM NOT KIDDING) and he doesn't really care.

Basic trans: 'I am going to be Caliph instead of the Caliph!!' 'What, again, master?'

In conclusion, even though I don't really have much in the way of back-up info, Iznogoud is the funniest comic I have ever read. And my dad agrees... even though he can't read german.

But enough about Iznogoud. [ps go here: http://www.iznogoudworld.com/ and download the game - it's completely mad. Also, if you search in the 'News' section, you get a lovely free 8-page comic]

My Ma thinks I'm becoming 'fashionable'. She told me recently to find some shirts on the internet. So I did - I chose the 'Trogdor - 5 years' shirt from Homestarrunner.com. Her remark was, "Oh. Next you'll be into pop music and makeup and stuff." That offended me, but the hopeful smile on her face made it worse.

Well I'm going now. Sorry I rambled about Iz a bit much, there. So as a 'SORRY FOR BEING AN OBSESSIVE ASPIE' gift, have a lovely picture.

Tuesday, April 01, 2008


Guess who's back, back again...

Lovely Lon Chaney. What a great guy.
Well, I'm back.

I never went anywhere, mind you. So, uh... forget it.

I have a post I was going to post before this post, but it involves a lot of pictures, so will post it after, but the post will be of a previous date, so the post will be posted before this post. Or something.
So what's been happening? The kittens have had their very first birthday! (28th March.) Now they are cats. I'd post pictures but, as you may have gathered, posting pictures is actually a hard thing to do. I think my blog's used up more than its fair share of bandwidth... :O Harharhar. Blame the blog, not I. Anyway, they enjoyed their birthday very muchly so. They seemed to know it was their birthday. I will describe the event:

We got them a basket as a main present. Me being creative and such, I put their other presents (mice, edible treats, etc) under the basket's cushion. As soon as I presented them with the basket, Rosco stuck his little black nose deep into the side of the cushion, and Jasper copied (but with a pink nose, not a black one), and I revealed all. They were happy cats. They played with their toys (they went absolutely CRAZY over them - at one point I was actually rather terrified), and looked at me and pleaded for treats.
Then, after watching Count Duckula (Rosco likes cartoons, especially DangerMouse, Victor and Hugo, and Count Duckula), they fell asleep, and I left 'em to sleep for... kinda the rest of the day.
Shun the Sun!!
Of course, there was also my father's birthday before that. But he didn't act exactly in the same way.

I'm also getting a credit card!! Only thing is, my pin number's arrived, but no sign of the actual card. It's something to worry about, agreed. But instead of worrying, let me post a list of what I'm going to buy as soon as I get it:

  • A pair of stick-on vampire fangs
  • Nightwish 'Escapist' shirt
  • Monkey Island 4
  • The adventures of Lomax in Lemming Land
  • Random bullcrap from eBay
  • A 'coffin' handbag or backpack thing... I know what I'm talking about
  • Some funny shirts.
  • Some wickedly cool stuff I found on some gothic/wiccan sites
  • Some various items from 'MoonMaiden gothic clothing'
  • Anything else I can think of.

I'll be bankrupt in no time.

I have actually eaten a smurf before. What? You think I'm joking? All I can say is - Gargamel's wasting his time. They taste sick.

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