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Friday, July 28, 2006


Excitement and Headaches 9

I know the feeling.
Now I am carrying on from my fan-like screams from yesterday. As I was saying, my Homestar Runner things had arrived. Or had they?

I went to collect them with my Grandad today. Of course, the journey was not solely to collect them. We did other things... and then headed down to the post office. I climbed inside the building, and fished for the required ticket. I've done this process so many times, and each time it creeps me out even more. My Grandad had already pressed the buzzer for IMMEDIATE ATTENTION, however I would have felt much better pressing it myself, in my own time. And as quick as a newborn animal, a man slithered out of a room, and snatched my ticket from me. All this time I was spying on some large-looking parcels on the floor. But the man reached up, and pulled out a thin cylinder, and handed it to me. "Is that it??" I almost said. Almost. My Grandad interrupted my urge, and we started going home. Well, waiting half an hour for a bus which comes every 10 minutes. Which strangely reminded me of a Matt (from the Daily Telegraph) comic... It went along the lines of, "I'm sorry I'm late for work. My train was on time, I fainted and missed it." But it came.

So what was in this mystery package? No mystery. I knew what it was. It was the 'Everybody, everybody' poster. Basically, this is virtually every H*R character shown on the series, in a poster. (I later tried to put it in my room, but it kept falling down. Maybe I need some bluetack.) About 5 minutes after arriving at Grandad's, I was informed by my Dad that a big package had come for me. Damn or yay? You decide. And yes, it was the rest of my merch. I say 'YAY' at the moment. However, I do have a headache. ♪ It drives me crazy... ♪

But now, I have awards to give out. Please take the time to read them all. OK: Homestar Runner figurines awards!!

Best detail award goes to: Pom Pom. Well, actually, that's not really fair. Pom Pom doesn't have much detail anyway.
2nd best detail award goes to: Homestar. Again, not that much detail, but he still looks cool.
3rd best detail award goes to: Bubs. I SWEAR his eyes and mouth are stickers.
Worst detail award goes to: Strong Mad. What the crap happened?? I mean, his eyes and eyebrows look like someone rubbed sand paper over them after painting. And you can totally see the glued-on top to him. Plus, it looks like he's wearing lipstick. Correction: He is wearing lipstick.
2nd worst detail award goes to: Marzipan. She was so close to becoming 1st. Anyway, it looks like a child painted her, and left little marks all over her, in summary.
3rd worst detail award goes to: Strong Bad (with megaphone and bucket hands). He wouldn't be so bad if the wet The Cheat in his bucket hand didn't have so many sh1ttily-painted soap-suds on him.
Hardly recognisable award goes to: The Cheat. The Cheat doesn't look like The Cheat that much. And his eyes are half-painted over. Aaw.
2nd hardly recognisable award goes to: Strong Sad. His mouth... it's different. It'd not sad enough. And his arms, they're like, paper-thin. I can appreciate the difficulty in doing that weird curved bit on his head, but...
Too much detail award goes to: The Poopsmith. There is a difference between 'too much' and 'best'. And I don't really like the back-stand they have to him.
2nd too much detail award goes to: Homestar (running). He has that stand to the back of him again. Oh, and he has more detail put into him than t'other Homestar.
Retarded-looking award goes to: The King of Town. Well, he does look weird. His eyes are not near the centre of his head. But, let's face it, the KOT looks retarded anyway. (BWAA-HAA-HAA-HAA, jus' kidding!)
2nd retarded-looking award goes to: Coach Z. He looks fine, but his cap is at an unusual angle compared to his head. In this case, it looks like it's about to fall off. And it makes his head look a weird shape.
Stan Laurel look-alike award goes to: Strong Bad. He looks fine, appart from his abnormally long neck. And so he reminds me of Stan Laurel. For some reason.
I've got a dirty great big thumbprint on the back of me award goes to: Homsar. He gets this award for obvious reasons. Appart from this fault, he's next to perfect.

But I'm not complaining as such. I'm happy with them all. Happy happy happy.

That's it. Show's over. Awards have been given to everyone. Stay for the after-show buffet or get out.

'Free rats with every meal!!'

Thursday, July 27, 2006


A good day? I think so too.

Once, I can't remember, I was long ago, someone strange. I was innocent and wise, and full of pain. Now that I'm a woman, everything has changed. Once, when I was searching, somewhere out of reach, far away, in a place I could not find, or heart obey. Now that I'm a woman, everything is strange. ..........................that movie is GAY, GAY I tells ye!! I doodled some horses today. There they be^. That last one looks like a friggin' donkey with a haircut. Er, mane-cut. Well, the horse in the picture didn't seem to have one anyway. Oh, and that galloping horse had 2 butt-cracks in the picture. Click it to see every stray line and mistake I've done.

So today? Not bad. Not bad at all!! For the past week, I have been so incredibly bored. And then I found out that a whole week has past since our last day of term. But yes, I've had nothing to do all week, including today. I mean, yesterday, I decided to start reading a story about a unicorn. Yes, a unicorn. Seriously, I've had nothing better to do. READ IT HERE, NOW!! ...or not. It's an online version of a book, called "The Last Unicorn". I have seen the movie (a quote from it is in the roll-over text for that horse picture), yeah, WHEN I WAS 5 YEARS OLD. In fact, I still have it. Or, to be more correct, my Grandad has it. I have nothing against "The Last Unicorn", except for the name. I know that it's to the point and all, but including 'unicorn' makes it sound... childish? You know what I'm talking about? Now, I'll tell you of a similar story to it, which has mythical creatures and all. However, the names for it are better (there are two names for it). The names: "The Battle for Cockatrice castle," or more commonly, "The talking parcel". I haven't read it all yet, because my brother stole it from me. But I've seen the movie. Both stories are similar, but which would you rather read?

But I digress. Back to today. Every day I had to go to my Grandad's, to water his tomato plants. Easy job, takes 5 minutes or less. But I stay there for 6 hours. And today was no different. However, today he offered to help me get out some old amiga equipment, which we asked him to look after a couple of years ago. So for an hour or two, we hauled out bits of computer mouse, games, keyboards, and one giant monitor. OH THAT BLEEDING MONITOR. It was stuck inside its box, jammed by styrofoam. We tried everything to get it out, and eventually it did come out. But it left shredded bits of styrofoam everywhere. Never mind, it came out. And after plugging it all in, it WORKED!! We slotted a game in, called, "Captain Blood," (it sounded good), and it was working as good as if it were new. Unfortunately I didn't know how to play it, but, uh... Anyway, there's one problem. No sound. However, I have 2 conclusions for that. 1 ~ That game doesn't have sound anyway. Or 2 ~ Something was not plugged in right, and if it wasn't, I know what it would be anyway.

My Dad came to pick me up, as usual. He had some good, and bad, news. The good news is that... YAY!! My Homestar Runner things have arrived!! The bad news is that the postman came shortly after I left to go to Grandad's, so it's currently stored away in the post office. But my Grandad also had good news - Tomorrow he's taking me to Wimborne. This is where the post office is. And I had bad news, just to contribute - due to the large order, the box may not fit in the bus. And we can't walk, because Grandad has arthritis in his knee. Ah, what the crap, it's worth a shot.

Ooh, ah, ooh side-swipe! Ooh, ah, ooh side-swipe!

Thursday, July 20, 2006


It's the last day, so why bother working? My logic.

How does it pee? At the moment, I'm sitting in art. Why bother working? Who knows. I'm supposed to be looking at pictures from the British Museum, because the teachers are a$$holes. It seems to me that this^ is the only piece of art worth looking at, for all the others just scare the crap outta me.

Oh-kaaaaay, so what hath been happening? Well, yesterday, when I was doing vital courseworks, Mr Hardwick (I think he has more POWER than the head of year...) asked to see me. So, holy crap, I was forced to go with him. I was lead into a desolate room, and made to sit opposite him. I remember his first expression was a kind of 'paedophile'-smile. (Yes, I've been on Maddox's website.) He asked me if I knew why he called me over. I honestly did not know, and told him so. After some time of his little guessing game going nowhere, he finally revealed to me why I was to see him. Wouldn't you know? It was about the bleeding Work-experience form AGAIN. I thought they dropped that subject ages ago!! It seems they did not. He said that from what I put, I seemed like a rude and uncaring person. I personally thought that it would bring joy in their tedious little lives. Huh, I guess I was wrong. (I will repeat that: "I was wrong".) He then asked me what my opinion of myself was. I said I didn't have one. He couldn't believe this. He said it was strange, as everyone has some sort of idea about who they are. then he asked why I didn't have an opinion of myself. I didn't want to say, and made excuses ("It's... complicated.") His reply to this was, "I have time." Well, I didn't!! But, I still didn't want to mention the Evil-senario... So after much hesitation I squeezed the excuse that I'm scared of what people will think of my opinions. It's true, yes, but not THE reason. This answer was satisfactory to him.

However, he brought up another subject. My art evaluation. He said that THIS was not satifactory to him. Why? For once I answered as seriously as I could, and now it's not good enough?? Holy holy holy holy holy CRAP. And to make it worse, my teacher, Miss Batley, and another teacher who I don't even have, Miss Gillard, are considering not giving me any marks at all for the whole fudging project. Just because of my evaluation, which doesn't even effect the marks??????? I didn't think that that was even allowed!! I would have said so, but I didn't want to question Mr H, as he's known as shouting LOUDLY.

Even worse news? He wanted to phone my parents there and then. I quickly told him the truth - No one would be there until 5, 6, 7pm... He then said, "That's OK. I'll phone them at work." Sh1t. From what I could tell, he didn't in the end, because my parents' moods were not negative (for once). I jumped the bullet, this time.

This time.

Now I must go and 'enjoy' my last day of year 10. I don't see how I can, seeing as next year the work will be MUCH harder. What fun! Of course I'll enjoy my Summer!!

You must be my brother.

Sunday, July 16, 2006


Edward Scissorhands + Johnny the Homicidal Maniac = ........

Who wants to be tickled?
Aw crap. Sorry, I'da posted sooner, I swear I would've. I was gonna post yesterday. HOWEVER, my cousins and aunt just invited themselves over (while we were having a BBQ... well timed). In this, I was half-watching Edward Scissorhands and computing, just about to update, when little Jamie (the one who had s*x with my rubber chicken, yes) came over to me and demanded to see every Invader Zim picture I had. All 571 of 'em. And in doing THAT, he made me late to bed. So, next time any relatives are coming 'round, I'm locking the doors and hiding the keys. Best thing to do.

So what's been happening while I was dying in a corner? Well, I was dying in a corner. Dying. An especially dying moment was my art project. Finishing this HIDEOUS thing... I just didn't want to. It made me nausious every time I was to look at it. But, I finished it anyway. Supposedly finish. You couldn't really tell. My final piece... a piece'a crap. Adding a border didn't do it any justice. Even my Mom hated the crap out of it. When she first saw it, she said, "What the hell's that?" I informed her, and she said, "Oh, oh yeah, I see it now." TOO LATE. And handing it in wasn't any easier. I slid it inside my book, and went upstairs to the room where they were all meant to go. The room was filled with a mass of people doing their projects at the last minute. And to make it worse, everyone was swarming around the 'drop-off' table, analysing all the artwork. I was scared to put it down, let it out of my sight. I knew I had to, but I couldn't. I just sort of hid it and ran. Hopefully no one saw.

Yeah, but there was another friend-problem. I don't know if it was last Friday, or the coming Friday, but A FRIDAY was my 'friend''s birthday party. And you know what? Even though I invited her to mine, I wasn't invited to hers. And to make it worse was that she kept on talking about it around me!! I mean, that's just taking the p1ss!! I wouldn't mind that much if she never ever told me about it, but rubbing it in my face?? Mmmnah. I don't know why I wasn't invited, but I take it as a 'I HATE THE CRAP OUTTA YOU'-sort of thing. And I will continue to think that.

The last week was pretty bad. But, there was one good thing. My parents have bought me a lotta crap from Homestar Runner, I guess it was because they saw how crap everything was going for me. I'll be expecting this $140-worth of crap any moment now. *sits by the front door, staring at the letterbox*

BONUS: Count how many times the word 'crap' was mentioned in this entry (appart from that one), and win a gulp of air!!

The color of infinity inside an empty glass...

Monday, July 10, 2006


You're kidding me....... An update??????? Surely not!!

Clever I am? Next to no one.  Undiscovered and soggy.  Look up. Look down. They're around.  Probably laughing. Still, bright, watery.  Listed among the top. Ten.  Nine. Late night. Early morn.  Early mourn. Now I sleep. Yep, that's right, folks!! An update AT LAST. How long's it been? About a week. Sorry about not posting sooner. But now I am.

*checks watch*

Oh, sorry!! You wanted to know why I took so long. Weeeeeeell... One reason is too much work. Too much works!!! To be honest, I still have a lot. But SCREW IT ALL. I must UPDATE. Another reason is that I have a little book which I sometimes write in. Only if I'm... sad. Depressed. Wanting to kill a special someone, etc. So I would write in this book, which a lot of people mistake for a die-ary and then mock me about it, and then I just wouldn't feel like writing anymore.

So who is this special someone who I wanted to kill this time? Only Evil. Again. We sort of... 'split up', 'fell out', whatever you wanna call it. You can read our last conversation HERE. I was getting kind of sick of her 'judging me' and 'blaming me', etc.

She was an amazing friend and I will miss her very much [/sarcasm] .

But seriously, she destroyed my self esteem, or what little self esteem I had. My self esteem got me in this skool, and now she got rid of it... I feel like I can't achieve anything. She took away my opinion - whatever I said she would contradict it and say that her opinion was FACT and that was it. Then she would have the pleasure of calling me names, particularly 'useless'. Whatever the f*ck made me friends with her in the first place?? Gaaaah, this poor choice of friends makes me want to hack off about half of my head for being so stupid. But now I'm free from her... It made me somehow depressed. I think it was because of all that personality I lost... *sigh*. At least it's OVER.

*note to reader, I was gonna put the Teen Girl Squad 'It's over!!' sign here, but I was TOO FRICKEN LAZY*

More things. I haven't actually been happy this (last) week at all. I was at one point... I was happy for one day. However, I couldn't do the things I wanted to. These were, going out for a walk with someone, and watching the stars. That's what I like doing when I'm happy. However, my parents were too lazy to come with me. And I couldn't watch the stars either, as I had my paperround the next morning. Happiness... I hate it. As I always say (how many times have I actually mentioned this to someone this week?) - When you're happy, there's a bigger chance that all your hopes and dreams are shattered and crushed in a single action. It's true. Happiness - embrace it. Oops, I embraced it too hard, now it's dead. Crap, what a mess.

Speaking of updates though... HOORAH!! Homestarrunner.com's updated AT LAST!! This made me happy today. It did indeed. Strong Bad emails always brighten up my day. (That sounds so weird...).

In a lighter note, ever though he probably won't read this, Happy Birthday to my brother (Steven). He's 17 years old. 1 more year and you won't have to see me ever again!!


Sunday, July 02, 2006


Crushed hope of the day: HAVE FRIENDS

The Cheat sleeping on the couch. Aaaw. Working on a Sunday? I thought that was blasphemous. Maybe that's why I was paid so much.

My first day of proper work. Not proper PROPER work, as I had to be shown 'round, but still... It was a paperround, but I get £7 per round. Sweet, sweet, easy moneys. And all I's gotta do is ride a car and drop off papers to anyone, anywhere, and say that I did it. OK, so I didn't do that, and I'm not going to do that. It was still fun, especially at 6am. I don't really have much to say about it as there's a lot of crap involved, and I wasn't awake enough to take note of it. I was paid my £7 at the end, and that was that.

However, I had a party to attend. 'Organised' me already bought the person in question a present the week before. The person in question? Someone called Charlie, you most likely do not know her. When I arrived at the party-thing, a bunch of plastics who were supposedly her friends STARED at me. It might have something to do with the fact that I was wearing black in Summer, and hardcore gothic boots. Well, they're not THAT hardcore. Or very gothic, either. They're just black boots, with a zip on the inside, and buckles on the outside (for random decoration). So anyway, plasticcy horror radars were pointing in my direction. They knew that THIS was to be with them for the day. I stared back. I knew that THAT was to be with me for the day. I just had to grin and bare it. However, the grin scared them even moreso. Great! So, what was up first? Quasar.

Never heard of it? I will elaborate. It's basically a game where you go around shooting people with laser-guns. Not real guns. Hit the target on their front or back, and you get points. Lose points if you get hit. Results? I sucked. I sucked on both matches, but at least got a higher rank on the second one. I just didn't care; I just shot anything that moved, and cursed everyone around me. I DID, however, wish to know what happened if you shot yourself... But, anyway, it's really hard to figure out if you shot them!! Whether you get shot, or you shoot someone, your 'gear' barks out the same incoherent garbage. I just wanted to put my jacket over it, and score tons'a points. Probably wouldn't work, though.

Secondly, was Pizza Hut. We were all sat at different tables. I was sat with Jonesy, Sophie, and Evil... big mistake? Starters (pun intended, yes): Chosing what we were to have. Any suggestion I made was replied with a 'fat joke'. A small salad? EAT NOTHING, YOU'RE WAAAAAAAAY OVERWEIGHT. A case of Munchausen by Proxy? Who knows. I said I wasn't allowed to talk to them about weight, or eating habits. They sneered at this *true* remark, as I went and chose what I wanted. What I WANTED. Then, we dared each other to order a large one for themselves. Don't know me? I never back down from a dare (unless if it involves stripping, kissing, hugging, etc etc). So all of us (except for Sophie... WIMP!!) ordered a large pizza. I ate all slices but 2, more than them. I 0wn them!! BWAA-HAA-HAA-HAA!!!!!!!!!!!


Now, if you excuse me, I'm going to listen to some random emo music because my brother saved it onto my harddrive for no reason. Then I'm probably going to delete them.


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