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Tuesday, June 06, 2006


Each day we die a little more...

'I'm so sad...' That ^ is Strong Sad. He's Strong Bad's little brother. I sent him an email, the sad little person I am. Here is his reply:

Strong Sad is no longer accepting emails because you people kept signing me up for "natural male enhancers." That, and the death threats weren't very cool either.
Leemee 'lone!
Strong Sad

Aw, poor Strong Sad. Oh well. He's still awesome, even though he is incredibly depressing, sounds like a whiny b1tch, and looks like the ghost of some japanese schoolgirl. Try it yerself, send him an email. I'll keep sending him emails anyway, just to annoy him :-P

Speaking of emails, I've received one random question email. From the Nikki. Come on peoples! Send me emails! Lots of them... I need them....... if you're new here and have no idea what I'm talking about... I'm going to set up a new blog, maybe, about me answering random questions. So please, if you're passing by, drop a question, any question. A question about anything you can think of, as random as it may seem or be. [See last entry for more info] So, HERE'S my email address. For now. Yep. Try to make the email less venerable to dropping off into my junk mail folder. My spam filter's very sensitive. Best if you have the subject as "Blog question" or something like that. Remember - the more random, the better!!

So, today. As some of you peoples out there might know, I was doing exams. Exammies. So, the first. Maffths. All the questions were rather pointless. There were some that I completely blanked out on, until I remembered at the last minute. What pleased me somehow was this. There was one question, non-calculator, asking about the third side of a right-angled triangle. The sides were - (Hypotenuse) 10, 6, X. You had to find X. What made me silently laugh was when all these people around me were desperately trying to work it out, by squaring 10 and 6... then blah blah blah. I simply put down '8'. Half of the people were still trying to work out that third side when I got to the end. Why was it 8? It's a 3, 4, 5 triangle, dammit!! I don't know why I said dammit, it just seemed a good time to put it.

Next test? ICT. Many people were saying how hard it was. Personally, I thought it was so bleedin' easy. Not because I'm a 'computer-wiz', but because the task was simple in itself. It was simply looking through a database system and picking out all the problems. That was simple. You also had to sort out the problem, but that wasn't so bad, because they wouldn't be able to tell if you did or didn't anyway. But then there was the evaluation. I hate evaluations. "How efficient would you say the system was?" As efficient as it could be. I just rambled about what I'd do to change it if I knew how to. I don't think that'll go down well, mind you.

Last one was physics. That was the WORST of the lot. Immediately, as I opened the booklet, my heart sank so low, it went down the three flights of stairs, and then underground. The first question, which is supposedly the easiest, I could not answer. I looked around me, and saw that I was not alone. Eventually I did answer it, yes, but I doubt if it was correct. I don't even want to think about it now. All I know is that half of the questions in there we were not taught about by our teacher. The teacher is responsible for teaching us everything that we'll need. How the hell are we supposed to know how much electricity is charged in a lightning bolt?? I've always hated physics, anyway. The one topic that I knew the best of in physics was NOT in there. What's the topic? Moments in forces etc etc etc.

Boy, did I do well! And I have german as one of my exams tomorrow. From the tips I've heard, it's sh1t hard. Oh dear.

And the end of the world hasn't occured yet. Man, life sucks.
Won't this be fun, children?

Poisonally, I felt that IT was hard.

And I'm glad that the world has not ended. This run of Doctor Who has not yet finished.
^T'was a shame, that was.
I still saw Doctor Who. And that is the most imporant thing, no matter what Christan (who fancies Hazel Porn Star) says.
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