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Tuesday, October 18, 2011


I'm a fucking idiot!

You know something? I am a fucking idiot!

I accidentally upset Rob when he visited last weekend. We were discussing when he was going back home and he proposed a time, adding that he needed to "do laundry and play some games". I mocked him (although I wasn't intending to mock him... it just came out that way), as I was rather shocked by the idea that he desperately needed to get home to play video games instead of spend time with me, and I asked if he needed to fulfil his weekly gaming quota. This ended up with him displaying the 'kicked puppy' look.

I coulda just let him go and do what he wanted, but nooooooo. I'm too much of an idiot for that.

So anyway, I eventually realised that this was not a fake upset face, this appeared to be the genuine article. I can't quite remember what happened next but I do recall apologising, hugging him, and actually crying (I put this down to the fact that I've just started the pill, thus making me more emotional than usual... well, that's my excuse and I'm sticking to it). I cried for almost two hours, would ya believe. He stayed with me until I stopped, but still, I made him miss his train. Damn.

I think I'm putting him through more difficulties, during the time we've been together, than he could have possibly contemplated when he asked me out for our first date.

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