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Monday, April 06, 2009



Cartman is teh best
So, I've been watching South Park late at night for a few weeks now...

And I have to say it is remarkably funny XD Cartman's my favourite character; Cartman as Hitler = pure hilarity. I have loved every episode I've seen... except for one...

You see, my Dad likes, or liked, South Park, too, and he would watch it with me. That was, at least, until the queef sisters episode. Ahem, anyone who knows what I'm talking about will need no explanation. And so now my Dad makes sure he goes to bed before South Park comes on.

So I guess I rank the (popular) 'adult acceptable' cartoons in this order:
The Simpsons < Futurama < Family Guy < South Park

(Actually I don't know which is better, Family Guy or South Park... Damnit! Why'd they have to be on at the same time??? And the Simpsons just plain sucks now.)

On a completely unrelated note, perhaps you would (not) like to hear about an advert my Dad and I saw on a public toilet door (different toilets, obviously...). It was advertising 'DO YOU HAVE CHLAMYDIA??' and it said below, "If you have had unprotected sex you could have contracted chlamydia [insert statistics here]. Come down to your nearest clinic and have a free screening test, and you could be in for a chance to win an iPod!"

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