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Friday, April 24, 2009


I'm a baaaaaaaad pet owner

She's cat-food now. ...OK she's not. I'm not that cruel.
Marzipan suddenly, unexpectedly, but not surprisingly, died today.

It was sudden because she was fine two days ago. It was unexpected because she was too young to die.

But it was not surprising because she did not seem well yesterday.

So this is the second hamster I have lost due to my illness; Penfold (remember my little brown hamster?) also contracted a cold from me and eventually died. Marzipan, I think, also, has died from a cold. Because I'm, like, dying from a cold at the moment.

I'm a baaaaaaaad pet owner. Both of my hamsters have died from colds, colds which had been caught from me!

(Yes, hamsters can catch colds. Yes, they can die from colds.)

I expect the RSPCA will come and take me away any time soon.

But what does surprise me is that Penfold held out longer; he lasted, like, what? 4 months, I think, with the cold, before he pegged out. Marzipan had a cold briefly for a couple of days and then was fine, back to being like a little pup (we bought her when she was very, very young. We nicknamed her 'Miniham' because she was so damn small).

She did also have a lot of problems, though. We found out soon after we bought her that she suffered from eye infections, and fairly recently she bled a lot (careless me gave her too many vegetables), but no, she definitely did not have wet tail. Besides, the bleeding stopped about a week or two ago. But still, no signs of death coming.

In fact, included in this blog post is two photos of Marzi, about a month ago... no, not even that. To explain the bottom photo, she's climbing upside-down from the top of her cage; a trick she did a lot.

RIP MarzipanMarzipan, the little bat-impersonator

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