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Sunday, February 15, 2009


The price of generosity

BehemothI have just realised that it is my father's birthday approaching very quickly. (Fact: I remember the date because it resides on the same day as Angry Kid's [alleged] birthday. Sad but true.) So for his birthday I decided to get him something I know he wants: A DVD set of The Master and Margarita series. Whether I have ordered the right one or not I'm not sure.

Anyway, here's the thing. I could only find such items on Amazon. Now, either I could have gone to the American Amazon site and ordered the DVD set for $40 (inc p&p), which is roughly £28, or I could have ordered it from the English Amazon site for £35. Both products were coming from the same place, New York, and I believe also from the same seller.

After pondering about this predicament for about 2 seconds, I went for the American site's offer. It's still bloody expensive for what it is, though.

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