<bgsound src="http://geocities.com/depressio72/-x-nightwish_-_dark_chest_of_wonders.mp3" loop=infinite> m

Monday, February 09, 2009


Oh dear...

I had NO LESSONS today, in fact, there was no real reason for me to turn up at all. But, of course, I was not knowing this until I had got to skool. My Dad said if they make me miss any more lessons for whatever reason (snow days, collective decision to cancel the lesson, teacher is ill, etc), he's complaining and possibly suing the skool :D

So anyway I spent the day writing my first-ever fan fiction (usually I'm opposed to fanfics, but I decided to have a go), which was apparently good. *lols coz she doesn't think so*

And I'm also very pissed off with my vista lappy (now I know why they're hated. Mine won't even let me go on the internet) because for some reason, it decided to delete a load of songs off of my Creative Zen. Including one of my favourite songs. *not happy*

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