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Tuesday, December 02, 2008



Me during Senior Awards
Today I'd like to start off with a definition from urban dictionary which made me laugh:

The only word in the English language that can form a grammatically complete, stand alone sentence.
Fuck, fucking fuckers fucked.

(Don't ask me why I looked it up.)

Ahem anyway about Senior Awards. The event started off thus:
I got a book out. I started reading.

Then, after about half an hour of trying to conceal the book in the 'Senior Awards Programme', I realised that, actually, no one cares about whether I'm paying attention or not. Programme goes, I continue reading.

Soon I'm called up (we're called up in groups of 5 to make it a little less awkward) to receive my 'award' (i.e. the certificates that I could have simply received through the post or something). I walked across the stage, no one is clapping. And then the 'woman of unknown origin', whom I am to shake hands with, starts clapping very loudly to encourage others to do so (which they did, thankfully :O). I reach her, she hasn't stretched her hand out to shake it, like she did with others. I stood there for about 1 second (though it seemed longer) waiting for a reaction. Finally it came. I tried to smile but I think I failed. Then I walked off the stage and waved to no one in particular just for that 'unique' touch.

I think I have an effect on people >.<

Go back to seat, continue reading and cringing from the absolutely awful "Hay luk at our skoolkids thay r absolutly gr8 at musik" musicians. Shit isn't the word. But it was OK for the musicians who just 'played the note', know what I mean? Like with the harp, or the xylophone, where the notes are there already, just waiting to be used. Violins do not have this, and so the violinists were RUBBISH.

Anyway. And now I'm going to Germany until Sunday. For my stalkers: I'm gonna be in Berlin. Have checked those emails...

In fact, speaking of which I received some really weird messages from a girl in Austria who wants help with her English. But from what she says, I'm like, WHOA, this can't be for real.

Thank you. You are a very nice person. How old are you? And what do you do in you live? Can you speak germany? Oh my god! I have lots of question about you. It is very interestion.

I have no idea how to reply to this.Fail.

Bob, please, tell me why you did not honour your promise about texting mere? *pokes into infinity*

And could you please put my current nickname on my link please too? Please? Pretty please?
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