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Tuesday, December 16, 2008


*does a dance*

Me and the BERLIN WALL
Please excuse the fact that I look tired in this picture. And that I'm trying to smile and failed. And that I look like a right douchebag. If I wore mascara I might pass off as being mildly acceptable to look at but, come on, 1 - why would I want to impress anybody and 2 - why would I want to impress someone in Germany? I mean I wouldn't know if they were flirting or calling me the daughter of a whore who specialises in blowjobs (thank you Mrs Spencer for telling us that awesome insult).

So yes I was actually in Germany for a few days. In the above picture I am by THE WALL. Yes, we went to see THE WALL, or at least, most of us did. How could anybody pass up the chance to see THE WALL?? I mean, Berlin's famous for THE WALL. We flew all the way over there to Berlin... It's like saying, "Hey! We're in Paris. Wanna see the Eifel Tower, or the Louvre, or Notre Dame de Paris?" "Hmmm...Nah." In fact, most of the girls I went with ended up clothes-shopping. WTF. You come to Germany... and go clothes shopping. And you buy clothes that you can get back in England. DUH.

Well, TBH I went clothes-shopping too. I bought a hat. Here it is. Sorry it's such an ugly picture again. I blame Germany (it's something to blame).Sexy hat (?)

(I gave the hat to my brother.) I also look quite cold in that pic (my nose and cheeks are red) because I had just been on what may be the scariest Carnival ride in my entire life. At the time I thought, "I think I'll go on the swing-chairs. Oh wait, the line's too long. Hey, that looks quite tame..." And when I got in the queue I realised my mistake.

Basically the ride involves a circle of chairs all facing inwards. These chairs are connected from above by a long arm, which swings side to side like in the Viking Longboat ride. But in this ride, the arm goes higher than horizontal, and the circle of chairs revolve as well.

That was the shittiest description ever. Here's a diagram.World's shittiest diagram

I don't think that did any good either. Shame.

I actually got lost one day. That was amusing. Some girls with me on the trip said to me, "Hey, stick with us! We can have a good time!" ...and then I lost them. That was quite amusing, wandering around God knows where in Germany... and I wasn't even sure I was still in Germany. Anyway. On the very last full day in Germany, I got an allergy attack!! *crowds applaud* What is this thing I have about having a reaction on the very last day anywhere? So I took the meds and nothing happened. The reaction was too severe for the meds to do any real help. So that was also fun, almost fainting in the U-Bahn station. And when I have the more severe reactions, I always get a cold afterwards. The allergy attack was on the 6th. Today is the 16th and I still have the cold.

Etc etc etc.

I'd have some better pics here inc of me but I'm a lazy fucker and can't be asked to get my other camera. Instead, you may have this picture I took which amused me at the time.Only in Germany.

Also I'm trying to get my hair to go straighter, if not, then at least wavy... I mean how stupid is it to have a little girl with blonde curly hair, listening to stuff like GWAR and dressing like a greebo gone wrong. ME WANT NICE HAIRZ.

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