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Monday, December 22, 2008



So I've been sitting in ignorance for the past 2 months, waiting for the new Lordi CD to come out. It was only about 2 weeks ago that I discovered that it had already been released and I am a dumbass. Immediately I went on Play.com to order it (it's cheaper than buying from HMV. Don't ask me why).

Can I say: This is probably the best CD Lordi has ever released! Well done to them. Even if Mr Lordi sounds like he's in crippling pain in quite a few of the tracks. And, boy, was I surprised to hear the tune of 'Phantom of the Opera' in the beginning of 'The devil hides behind her smile'. Lordi have still got it. Me so happy.

For the record: This is the third CD I have ever bought. Number two was this:

which turned out to be pretty shit.

And number one was:which just shows you how long ago that was.

Also I've been watching 'M' for the second time.CHILD MURDERER!!!

I'm sorry but I do love that film. Peter Lorre's acting in M is gorgeous, which is probably the weirdest thing you could ever say about someone's acting, or, indeed, Peter Lorre. Same goes for Fritz Lang's directing skills. The one thing this film can claim without shame, that very few other films can, is that it has no background music. It's one of the most perfect films out there. And it reminds me so much of JTHM, for some reason. When the murderer is dragged up before the crowds [Part 10 of the Youtube upload, methinks, if you wanna see that part], and he starts screaming how he can't control his compulsive urge to kill children, I actually wanted to run up to him and hug him. [To Wednesday, MoMo and Chris: Look what you've made me become!! I can't stop teh HUGGIN!!!!111 XP] But yeah. Peter Lorre has stage presence. It's actually quite creepy. Plus he looks a little like my dad. Also creepy.

Watch it, watch it now, BITCH!! It's all over the internet. It's on http://www.eztakes.com/, I think.

*coughs* Anyway. As a note: To all people planning on coming to my 18th party, FOR THE GODS' SAKES please email me @ the email address I have provided!! It's there for a REASON!! Otherwise I will assume no one's coming and I will kill myself and then all of you!! I hope you all realise that by '3rd or 4th of January' I meant in the year 2009. Because of the ambiguity of these dates I did want a confirmation from you lot via email, so I can email you back with details. Bloody 'ell, it'd be too much for a group of people dressed up as monsters to appear outside my house on two consecutive days. What'd the neighbours think?

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