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Thursday, November 13, 2008


A stupid notice because I can and I'm pissed

Well, I was off ill today as some may have noticed. The fact that I would have had a tonne of homework to hand in and an in-lesson essay to do and absolutely no free periods at all is entirely coincidental. Honest, guv.

Anyway I'm typing here to say: I love Rincewind. He is the best fictional character ever (asides from Death, perhaps XD). He is, like, one of the main reasons why I am a Discworld fan. But some people keep saying Terry Pratchett will never write another Rincewind novel because he hates Rincewind... AAAARGH!! Noooooooooooooooooo!! If that is true I'm gonna take Terry Pratchett hostage and make him write another Rincewind story... even if it's the death of Rincewind... I don't care, he can't leave hiiiiiiim, he was his first Discworld character!! (Technically speaking, yes).

Now I'm fucking off. Ta-ra!

I told you it was a stupid notice.

Misery much, Bob?
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