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Monday, November 10, 2008


Mud Guy

For no real reason. OK, settle down children, and I will now tell you a tale.

A very worrying tale.

It all started a few days ago. I was in the library, when I received a text message asking who I was. Confused and worried that my identity had apparently been lost, I replied that it was a 'good question' and demanded to know who the hell this person is. In the end, he (for it was a 'he') told me who he is, but for this story he will remain anonymous and will hereby be called 'Mud Guy' for reasons that will be explained as this story progresses.

Mud Guy and I were texting each other like mad. Him being someone I have never known in my entire life, he struck me as being desperate, for he asked me things like was I single, what I look like, my interests, and if I was a virgin. Obviously I was like, 'What the hell', especially at that last one about being a virgin >.<>

Anyway, his texts became more and more intimate throughout the hour. This shows you how desperate he is. But I continued with texting him, because his pervy texts really amused me, in that strange sadistic way.

I must inform you, dear reader, that on the internet, I am a pervert-magnet. I have had too many guys asking to cyber, too many disturbing pictures, and only a few of the previous said have declared their undying love for me. I'm really quite touched [but not in that way] that so many losers over the internet have chosen me to be their cyber partner. I always find a way to let them down, of course. It's really quite a fun game.

What worries me most is how they got my contact details...

Anyway. Then there was a hiatus. I received virtually nothing the next day, only "hi babe wat u up 2" every 10 goddamn minutes or so. What, he must have one of those 'drinking birds' next to his phone... bird goes down, *SEND*, bird goes back up... aaaaaand repeat.I actually have one of these. Endless hours of fun.

Now onto his nickname, Mud Guy.

Just today, he asked what I was up to (that fucking drinking bird...!!). Wednesday suggested as a reply, "I'm up to my neck in mud", so I sent that. So Mud Guy said, "why babe wats happened x I wish I cud be with u x". I found the only logical answer to be, "What, you want to be in the mud with me?" BAD mistake... "Ye babe i would love to be in the mud with you" "in what way, exactly?" "Well well well we would both be fully naked babe doin what ever you want"

I'm too... disturbed to reply, but if I was naked in the mud with him, I'd probably want to slap him, kick him in the nuts, tear off his ear (I don't know why), steal his wallet, and run away [and as MoMo says, hide in a cave and call myself Golem]!

And that is why he is called Mud Guy.

Some part of me wishes this is one big prank by a girl in our skool.

But the rest of me wants to toy with his libido for a little while longer.Of course, if Mud Guy was like Till I'd probably be thinking differently about all this.


Oh my god.

I really have nothing to say except

ROFLMFAO x infinity
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