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Saturday, November 15, 2008


Mud Guy part 2

Appropriate... also appropriate, as on Wednesday the new Iz comic's coming out YAY!

Well well well.

I got a shock this morning.

Mud Guy sent me a picture.

Of himself.

However, it was not of his face...

...but another part of his anatomy.

I am shocked. It was bad enough getting shocked because I did not know pictures could be sent to my crappy 5-year-old phone, but THIS... It's still on my phone. I wish I had deleted it when I first saw it, but I don't want to risk looking at his thing again.

This morning, though, I am quite glad of this: I went out with Wednesday, MoMo, and Chris, so when they heard of... this picture, all sorts of comments about what I should reply with were flying about the place. So, as a summary, this is how Mud Guy and Wed, MoMo, Chris, and my conversation went. (MG=purple)


Something tells me Mud Guy's soon to give up. Shame, really, it was getting quite fun.

But yeah back to reality, the day out was fun. The best part was when we all went to Chris' place and played PokéMon monopoly.


Hates ThunderCats


D'ya reckon ye could update the link for my blog anytime soon?

*holds up a kukri knife*
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