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Friday, November 21, 2008


Feminists are idiots

Cue screeching violins
*laughs at a feminist*

Feminists are idiots. They are. In fact, all women asking for 'equality' are idiots. You know the ones I'm talking about: The ones who think that women tennis-players should earn the same amount as the men tennis-players, even though the men do twice as many games.

I hate feminists.

I mean I always have, but what really annoyed me most was in English, we were given a bunch of texts to do with the film 'Psycho' (Hitchcock), for an editorial writing task. And one of the texts was about a feminist getting all her troubles off her saggy, bra-less chest, because she had watched Psycho, and did not like how women were presented. And the silly bitch said the remake was better, because the female characters were stronger and less timid than the ones in Hitchcock's original. She also said, in all her feminist wisdom, that Janet Leigh, as Marion, was being watched by all the men, oh! the leering eyes of the policeman (well, DUH, she was acting all suspicious!), Norman Bates (he's a sexually suppressed mommy's-boy, what do you expect?), and the customer-guy at the beginning (...OK he was flirting, and they made that clear in the film). But what was really stupid is that also the BIRDS in the Bates motel's parlour were watching her, leering at her, with sexual intent... WTF. Stuffed birds ogling a woman??? The thing is, she's supposed to feel watched. I mean, she stole forty thousand fuckin' dollars and was on the run!!

Dumb bitch. Feminists are idiots.

Also, I know someone (ahem not saying any names) who is part-way to becoming a feminist [I mean she shows all the traits of being a feminist but has not yet openly admitted that all men are pigs], and she says that she does not like old people because they have no reason for being there. Ooooookay, not the kind of thing to say to someone who is the carer for her 88-year-old, veteran, inventor Grandfather.

But anyway I'm digressing.

I find it hard for women to gain equality, if, for example, they're on TV posing for adverts in such a slutty way. You know what I mean. #Buy this fabric softener!!# "oooooooooooooh it's soooo soft" *semi-naked pose* *kisses random guy who just walked in at that moment*

But what about the men? I think they should have equality. On TV, it's funny if a man gets hurt. But if anyone taps a women on the hand, she's being abused and the feminists sue the company's ass. If it has one. There's an advert on TV right now, for a computer magazine (I think it's from Which? mag), where the man is shown to be a dumbass because his laptop keeps making error noises, wife outsmarts him, - later - husband comes over to wife at laptop and tries to use it, and she slaps him quite roughly on the hand. But that's OK, that's funny, because the man is a dumbass and got hurt.

Men are people too!! I say, there should be more wife-beatings on TV, just to level the score with the men. The men have to be put up with their wives and girlfriends slapping, hitting, or showing them up on TV, so why should the women get away with it? That's discrimination against men!!

The only time to see a woman get hurt is on the rare occasions 'You've been Framed!' puts one up. But that show is pretty dire anyway.

And so now, a picture for all those feminists out there:Fuck feminists!!

BTW: I was late coming into skool today. If we are late, we must sign the 'late list', and in the late list we have to give a reason for being late. I realised I didn't actually have a reason, so put down, "Busy saving the world."

Next time I think I'll put "Busy destroying the world" or "Defeating the Joker" or "Tardis brought me 15 minutes later than programmed" or something.

I think this is a disagreement of opinions again, Bob.

Personally, I think that thse women who pose semi-naked are betraying feminism. And women are treated as the target of humour far more than men, or as "50s Mummies". Particularly in advertising.
I would like to stress at this point (I should've done so earlier...) that I hate the men-hating feminists, and/or the ones that think the world would be a much better place if everyone had a cun... I mean, was a woman.

Oh and what I said about the unnamed old-people-hating-person wasn't you, btw!! XO coz I know what you think about old people XD I was actually talking about *mumbles a name and walks off into the distance*
hehehe...that's a good one
never expected a girl to have those kinda thoughts^^
Yes, well, Bob defies expectations...

Its one of her little ways. And I never said I hated old people... I think they're OK from a distance. I would quite like to know who this person is though, email me her name!!! XD
Haha, not many people do think girls can have those thoughts... Then again, I'm not weak like most girls so I don't give into propoganda. :P
(Can't you tell I just LOVE my gender?)
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