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Thursday, November 27, 2008



You will die now
I'm thinking of starting a Vlog, however the hell that is pronounced. Please advise; I am intending to make it the BEST FIRST VLOGPOST EVER, and not like that conventional crap like, "Hi I'm Dave this is my room and this is me and this is my razor and I hate my life and I like books and I hate everyone at my school because they laugh at me because I am 13 stone overweight..." etc. I'm going to make it AWEXOME. I actually have some ideas. I've been watching Laurel and Hardy films for the past few days (not consecutively) and they've inspired me. Don't ask me how. They just have.

I won't say much on the subject but I went to DRAMA GROUP with WED, MOMO, AND CHRIS and my hair was WET and I looked like a drowned rat. Next time, I tell ye, next time, I will not wash my hair just before I go. And next time I will act. My father was an ACTORRRRRRRR... so he wants me to act well, too. (Yes, he was an actor. But not a great actor, just great enough for people to pass him in the street and say, "Hey, I know you, you were in that... thing... with... whatsisname... weren't you?")

And I'm pissed off because it's Senior Awards day tomorrow and it's like the most pointless waste of time ever. I mean, seriously. We sit there for 2 hours, waiting for our names to be called, then we walk onto the stage, walk across (or in my case, stalk) and shake some nobody's hand, walk off, and collect an envelope which contains the results for our exams. WHICH WE ALREADY KNOW. And there's no escape; although the practise is not necessary, it is obligatory for all to attend. I've tried SO HARD to get out of it. But to no avail.

And soon enough, when I can, I'll get back to checking my emails. I just don't have the time right now, so I'm posting here to say I have no time to check my emails (????? It's flawed, I know). So Fabio, if you've mailed me, bear with me, man.

Peace, I'm out.


hehe...no problem :)
anyway wish you gl and a shipload of phun...at...that thing...there...where you get...those envelopes...with your exam....results ;)
It was beyond tedious. It surpassed boring. It was a Waste Of Fucking Time. It was in-group back-patting. The high point was when the girl next to me pulled out her political science book and started reading, because I read over her shoulder. But I finished before her and it would have been weird to ask her to turn the page for me...
lucky you...having those kinda "problems" :)
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