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Wednesday, October 29, 2008



Excellent film

Well I bought a film yesterday [I mean a copy... on DVD... no I don't own the rights], you've probably heard of it: The Ladykillers.

Searching it on the net, I found that there has been a remake of this film. A remake! Of an original film!! The thing I like about films like these is that they are... were... unique!! Remakes, pah, I have no time for them.

You see, I will never ever watch the remake because 1 - It's a rip off, 2 - it's American (all modern American films are shit, am I right?), and 3 - it doesn't have Alec Guinness or Peter Sellers in it.

I... like those actors... no, really...

I think Alec Guinness played an excellent sinister character... and I liked his hair in this film. :P lawl no that's not the reason why I like it; I like Ealing Studios films [my favourite film is Kind Hearts and Coronets, I order you to look it up/watch it NOW]

Ahem back to the rant: Stop the shitty remakes!! In fact, stop ALL shitty American films. I recently saw The Hitchiker's Guide etc film, grew sick in the first 10 minutes, and so never saw the rest. It was THAT terrible.

Remakes are for losers who can't think of a storyline of their own. So they copy a film known, but not as popular as they think they can make it. Same goes for movie adaptions of TV series (movie/TV adaptions of books are not as bad). Get Smart, for example. WHY OH WHY OH WHY.

The thing is... I don't care if there are more and more film effects etc that they can use!! Does anybody care?? I find it more fun to see, for example, a character fall over than to watch him walk, get replaced by a CGI, see the CGI fall over, and blow up in a load of special-effects blasts.

I think I will die of shock if they ever proposed to do a remake of The Wizard of Oz... I was already disgusted when I found out they made a remake of Sunset Boulevard. YOU CAN'T DO THAT!!!!!

So, you, loyal reader *points at you*, I ask of you to stop watching remakes, stop making remakes, and tell others to do the same. NOW.

And now for a random picture to help you remember this simple message.Does not know where she found this pic

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