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Tuesday, October 28, 2008



Bizarre picture for the day
I'm such a coward.

I managed to stop myself from punching the nurse.

But I bit my Mom in the arm, instead.

It really didn't help when the nurse snuck behind me and tried to shove the needle, which was, what, 2.5 inches long (?), up my arm.

Neither did it help when my Mom put me in a headlock and yelled encouragement such as: "For God's sake, I'd expect this from a 7 year old, not a 17 year old!!"

To cut the long story short, I didn't get the injection.

If I must be honest, I'd much prefer to die of cancer.

Bob, for ****'s sake, you'll get yourself sectioned.

Anyway, wht do you need a STI jab for anyway

And to be honest, as far as injections go, it wasn't that bad. Take in a book, read, and it'll all be over...
lol, thanks for the sympathy :P

Anyway it's not exactly an STI jab, I think its main purpose is to prevent *ahem ahem* cancer 'down there'. [but yeah, only virgins can have the jab, I think... how funny would it be if like, "Oh, Suki, here's a letter saying you can have this jab..." "Um... I... I can't... I can't have it..." "Why not?" "I, uh, don't apply..." "You're only 13!" "Yeah, but..."]

And as for 'relaaaaaaaax' methods, they never work for me because for some reason I can't convince myself into believing something... What I mean is, like, I can't convince myself everything's gonna be alright... even though there's a sodding great needle hovering by my arm...
The cancer comes from genital warts, which are a social disease.

Tah-dah! STI Jab. X...P.

Maybe they should hit you o'er the head with a blackjack.
It's mainly to prevent the cancer, or so the nurse said.

Besides, it's not necessarily an STI. Although it can be passed on... in... that... way... It's also passed on through just regular ol' skin contact. So HA. Don't try to out-smart the person with the leaflet. XD

But it does seem stupid, as you still need smears!! Gawd. Makes it seem pointless.

Why a blackjack, anyhow? *wields board with a nail sticking out* Think ya can take me on, punk?
Blackjack's a type of cosh.

And your board with a nail on it is no match for my box of used pinball machine parts!!!
And if it can be passed on through skin contact, then why the hell do you need it?
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