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Monday, September 15, 2008


Amnesty International blows

This is adorable.
Guess who's been watching 'Victor and Hugo'.

No, me, silly! I was the turkey all along!! ...Ahemahemahem. Some very good people have posted some recorded copies of Victor and Hugo onto YouTube. Any fan of Cosgrove Hall will know that the bastards at FreemantleMedia will not release a DVD of the eps, for no reason at all other than they are complete bastards. That's all we know. I think it may be because the series did not have a great amount of publicity; each ep (reportedly) has only been aired once, because of the takeover of Cosgrove Hall (they are now... wait for it... Cosgrove Hall Films), and so FreemantleBastardice may think that they are not popular enough to have a DVD, despite the huge crowd of fans screaming at them. In short, Victor and Hugo is very funny, watch it, watch it now.1 2 3 POSE

Anyway here is Jasper, sitting on top of the radiator in the kitchen. He's a good boy, whenever some is going on in the kitchen, he would sit on top of the radiator, out of the way.

But, he doesn't do that anymore.

Not ever since he was sitting there, one fateful Saturday (last week, in fact). I gave him a little mouse toy to play with. He started batting it around with his paws, and eventually the toy fell off. So Jasp went after it.

Only he didn't.

As you may have noticed (if you haven't, spank yourself for being so unobservant) there is a sort of grating on top of the radiator. When Jasp threw himself off, one of his claws got stuck in the grating. So this poor cat was suspended in the air, screaming and wriggling around... I had absolutely no idea what to do with this hysterical animal. Grabbing him by the body wouldn't do, because his claws were cutting the air. Helping him back up onto the radiator wouldn't do, because I'd risk twisting his paw/claw. So I grabbed his caught leg, lifted him out, and dropped him to the floor. He promptly ran away, leaving a trail of blood. It's still unknown if the claw was ripped out, but he seems fine now, so I assume not.

So that's the tale of Jasper.

Anyway let's start on why I named this blog post 'Amnesty International blows'. Reason: Because it does. I shall reiterate what happened today: Hannah invited me to Amnesty Int. Club at our skool. I knew what it was, but asked her to explain. So she did, and one item of material particularly interested me... It was about some Iranian girl, who had done some (by Iran's standards) extreme things, in order to obtain more rights for women in Iran. And now she's in prison. I pointed this story out to Hannah, with the following points (paraphrased):

"Nothing can be done to help her, and nothing should. What she did was illegal, by Iran's standards. Iran is strict when it comes to its laws; its laws are based on the Koran, like England's laws are based on the Bible."

[At this point Hannah interupted saying this was not true. I mentioned the 10 commandments: Thou shalt not steal/murder etc, which are what our current laws are based on. Hannah said this was stupid, because then there would be a law against sewing two different seeds in the same field.]

"I have read select parts of the Koran; although the interpretations are different in each version, the general census is that women should have less rights than men, and it lists what women can and can't do. Iran, as mentioned, is very strict in its laws, so I would imagine its laws are very strict on women, as it is a very religious country. The woman, herself, is evidently religious [she had a headscarf on in the photograph], so she should know about the Koran, and also the laws. Therefore, she knows she was breaking the law, and should have expected to be imprisoned for her actions!!"

Hannah then tried to persuade me that everyone should have equal rights etc. But I argued that their views of right and wrong are not the same as ours. She then provided an example: "If a country had a religion where they had to kill babies, should we allow that??" I said, "Well, yes, if they think that is right. How on earth would we interfere, anyway? It's what they believe in." She then said I was stupid.

Also, I said, "If any person from another country comes over here and commits a crime, I think they should be sent back to their own country." Hannah then said, "My Mom's jamaican. So, are you saying she should be deported??" I then got worried. I hope it was more of a misconceiving of what I had said...

Seriously, now, folks, answer me this: If a member of a very different country (e.g. India, Iran, Iraq, another country beginning with 'I') came over here [England, in my case] and tried to change our laws and general religious beliefs because they did not consider the current to be 'right', would we allow it? No, I don't think so.

That's what Amnesty is doing to all these other countries. I thought they liked to help people of all ethnic groups... Do they not believe in 'ethnicity'?

In short, Hannah now thinks I'm aspiring to be a fascist dictator.Why I love Iznogoud.

Well, maybe I am.

Hey! You didn't tell me all this story!


Anyway, I don't agree with you but that's your opinion.

Poor Jazz.
Ooh, why do you not agree with me?

My point is simply this: We can't do anything to help this girl... Amnesty will (and have done so in the past) screw things up. The leaders of Iran will not weep and beg for forgiveness if AI asks them to play fair. They will most likely discard their wishes and it may even make the girl's situation worse.

But I still think Hannah's response to the 10 comm. thing was pretty funny.
1. I think everyone should have equal rights

2. Religion blows.

3. Therefore, equal rights should take priority over oppression and murder done for 'religious reasons'
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