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Friday, August 29, 2008


I love puppies - when they're road kill

What a lovely couple.
Hello again, loyal fans!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


I have been away doing stuff. Tenerife. Would talk about that, but what happened yesterday was more interesting. (Well, not really, but I won't gloat over holidays.)

Coz yesterday was a very historical event. It was the second time I have ever been out shopping with friends. What? I'm 17, and it's the second time ever, honest. The first was when I was about 13, and that was very short. And quite boring. But that time I bought a SpongeBob mug, so I didn't mind (I still have it).

But I somewhat digress. Back to yesterday. It was a random trip, for no real reason other than to say, "HELLO AGAIN." 'Twas myself, Hannah, and Sarah. And, OK, the shops we stuck to were clothes and sweet shops. I didn't complain about the clothing part because I can be quite tolerable (I hate clothes apart from the ones I'm wearing) but I drew the line at the sweet shops. The first one we went into was like, nuts galore.

Which reminds me, I lasted all week on holiday without having a nut-related reaction. Y'see, my ma forgot to pack my allergy med. In fact, she forgot to bring it home to pack (she's a pharmacist). Anyway, on the coach back to the airport, some kids were eating cakes behind me, and, GUESS WHAT!! I had a reaction. So as soon as we arrived at the airport, we had to go to the Pharmacy, which, thankfully, they had one. So I no die. Still, horrendously bad luck.

Anyway, back to yesterday. Another historical event - First time I have been in MacDonalds in about 10 years. Hooray (?), broke the fast-food celibacy. Anyway, I decided to make the origami model 'Rhoad's Bat' because I am sad and know it off-by-heart. Anyone who knows this model, will know you need some form of cutting instrument to do the legs. So, while I was folding the little paper place-mat they have on the trays, I realised I needed a knife and instinctively drew out my flick-knife that I usually keep in my pocket, and started cutting away. For the record, it is, in fact, within the legal limit by about half an inch (or so I have been told...). But I instantly heard gasps from the kids on the table next to us, mixed with a chorus of the voices of children hissing, "Knife!", and the parents whispering, "Don't look at her... just don't look at her!!"

Ahem ahem enough of the ASBO of the year awards. My companions bought many clothes. I, on the other hand, defied the laws of femininity, and bought some black nail varnish (What?) and a french dictionary. Oh, and a bar of chocolate in order to fulfill the '36 pence off' offer when you buy 4 bars. And I also drooled over the Rammstein CDs in HMV, which doesn't make sense, because I have them all anyway...

Felix is laughing at you

Black nail varnsh \m/

I go out shopping with MoMo quite a bit. It's mostly bookshops, game shops, comic shops, goth shops and every sweet food purveyor on Poole High Street (Shakeaway and Millie's Cookies, for preference).
Goth shops? Is there not only one in Poole? (Elemental) Or have I been blind all this time?

I was quite tempted to buy a 'Lenore' doll I saw in a shop window... XP

lol, your shopping trips sound more interesting than mine XO
There's also Inner Sanctum. It's quite hard to find. Look out for a relevant sandwitch board past Bitz.
Inner Sanctum? Never 'eard of it. I feel as though I'm missing out.
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