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Thursday, July 10, 2008


My first alcoholic drink!!

Glug glug glugYes, I now drink. I'm an effing alcoholic.

Well, not quite.

Let me reflect. My Dad thought he might get me on some alcyhol, because I am old enough to drink... but not in pubs. Which doesn't really make all that much sense, because at home you have no limits... anyway.

So he put me on Guinness. The toucan stout.

In a word: Disgusting. It was to me, anyway. For someone whose only exposure to alcohol was through hand cream, I thought Guinness was horrible.

So I went for something else my Dad drinks: Hobgoblin.

When I tasted it, I was like, "HAAaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaAAH!" because it had quite a sharp taste. And now I think it's absolutely wonderful. I can down a pint of Hobgoblin really easily.

♥ Hobgoblin!!

In fact, I'm drinking some now.

But I said to my dad, "I must be, like, the only girl in the world to drink that stuff." He replied, "No... there are women out there that drink it. But they're usually fat, hairy, sweaty women with pins sticking through their tongues and lips." I asked if I'd go like that eventually. He said nothing.

Also I downed quite a bit of the stuff a few days ago. Not a good idea, as this was just before I started my homework. I was a bit pissed to say the least, and my writing became a scrawl and after about an hour or so I realised I was doing the wrong thing anyway.

Come the lesson the next day, I was wrong, I WAS doing the right one after all.

Don't worry, though, I'll drink responsibly.

After I've finished the bottle I just started...

I always wanted to put this in a blogpost. And now I have. My life is whole.

I is a cider drinker. Ooh-arr.

Although I prefer chocolate milk.
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