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Tuesday, July 29, 2008


Excitement and headaches 9

Just a quickie.

Mom gave me her credit card today, saying I can buy a shitload of t-shirts and stuff (paraphrasing, not verbatim, btw). So, I did. I even lost count of how many shirts I purchased; I don't think the last one I did worked...


She said if I didn't buy too much she might get me some boots.

So I was like, "OK".
So I was buying up millions of shirts (inc. a Zim one, yay!), and I forgot what she said. Then I remembered. Then I searched for boots and I came up with these wonderous things that I... I NEEEEEEEEEED!!


I am literally drooling over the purple ones (http://www.cloggs.co.uk/invt/1513). (The other ones, I think, would suit me better.) But I think I spent too much to ask for a pair of boots that cost over £100 (that's like, over $190-ish). This makes me sad.

So I class this as an 'excitement and headaches' post because I got some t-shirts, but probably won't get these aweXome boots.

Oh well.Meh.

On a lighter note: Jean Tabary has given up doing Iznogoud, and passed it on to his children. This makes me sad. SKot (also a die-hard Iznogoud fan) said to me that his kids may revert Iznogoud back to the Goscinny/old-style comics, being a good thing in his opinion. I think I'll miss the wacky stories like Iznogoud's accomplice. :( Well, I saw it coming.

The boots! The boots! The boots of supreme aweXomeness!

Anyway, your mother is more trusting than my mother.

"Lauren, when did you buy this Tucker Torpedo? And this Supercomputer? And I never said you could buy a Lear Jet..."
Hope you get your boots as well.
How's your summer going so far?
Do you remember Brandon from the boards a few years back? I've just been talking with him.
Anyway - here's to the rest of the summer. :D

Wed: Yes. The boots are awesome. And my mother IS trusting - makes me wonder why. I don't trust her. :P

Jonesy: JONESY!! You are ALIIIIIIIIVE!!!!! Summer is going ok, hope yours is too, if not, better :P Yup I remember Brandon - where ye talking to him? (MSN, msg board, etc). You should visit the internet more often. We miss youuuuu :(

Here's to the rest of summer also! XP
Here's to the rest of summer too, may it not be hot! *wolfy grin*

And why do you not trust your mother? Is it for the same reasons I do not completely trust mine (rampaging paranoia and the fact that she hides my chocolate spread and searches my bedroom)?
I can't trust her. Honestly, she breaks every promise, and... right, once, on my paper round (ages ago) I asked her to deliver a set of papers whilst I did... some others, and when I got back, I found her reading them.

So, no, I can't trust her.
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