<bgsound src="http://geocities.com/depressio72/-x-nightwish_-_dark_chest_of_wonders.mp3" loop=infinite> m

Saturday, July 19, 2008


And now: A random picture of death

OK so in the last few days I've been collecting random albums from various artists. I will list.

I told you they were random. I didn't get bored with Nightwish... I simply... got pretty much every single song they made. So now I've got a nice mix; Alternative, indie, heavy metal, and... scary metal?

Anyway that's not the reason why I'm posting. I'm posting because...


*party, celebrations, cheers, music, and random people making out*

Wednesday and I... Actually, it may be more accurate to say 'you and I', because only Wed/Scumspawn/Fred/whatever, lol! reads this blog. But anyway I'll carry on as normal. So Wed and I went mad. I am the one with the non-threatening dirty-blonde, curly hair, and she is the one with red hair, glasses, and a crazed look on her face. (XP haha)

(PS Wed - if you wish any pics to be taken down, or whatever, just scream the word. But all pics will probably be in bad quality/no zooming anyway.)

Hover over the pics to see a caption/explaination.My locker
Pose! and my hair looks weird in this pic
Wed finds a tennis racket in a bin
Why my camera broke
Oblivious...NOOOOOOOO! Save me, Jeebus!
Gets her own back
Rock, rock on Do the smustle!
Why my camera has spit on it

That's it for now. Locker labels et cetera will be posted later... coz I'm going to bed. :P

I look... rabid. Also, you didn't mention Nigel!!!

At least I won't get any stalkers, I look quite scary...
I wa' gonna mention Nigel when I posted the video in my next post, hopefully... :P
Ah. Right.
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