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Friday, June 27, 2008


Why I gave up cello lessons

Rincewind: Makes a change from Iznogoud
Dearest reader: The following account on my last cello lessons are, in fact, true. True in every way. Not one detail has been exaggerated, as some people may do in such stories, and as you may think. I write this message because my story is entirely unbelievable. But it is completely true. Just letting you know. So I begin...

I gave up cello a few days ago. Gave it up for good. Well, with my current teacher, at least. I haven't had her for long, as the last teacher left due to awkward timings etc. The lesson before last was the lesson that made me think, "Is is worth it?" For, this is what happened. Granted, I was about 2 minutes late to the lesson. But I stood outside the door, waiting to be allowed in. She saw me several times while I stood out there. She acknowledged my exsistance; I know, because she smiled at me or nodded from time to time, but I still waited for her to finish with the previous girl. The head of music, coincidentally also my form tutor, watched all this from his classroom. I timed my waiting. It lasted 15 minutes. The lessons last 20. When I was allowed in, I was greeted with, "You're late."

This week's lesson was worse, though. Contemplating about giving it up or not was not needed; I instantly knew what to do when the following events occured. I went into the room. Teacher was all 'bubbly', like, "Hello Emily, how are you... etc etc [insert other such phatic talk here]" As I was getting the ol' cello out, I decided to tell her that I had one book, but with the other book, I only had the piano part, but could quite happily play from that if needed. "Oh." Was her initial reaction.

"Oh well, never mind."
"I'm a bit disappointed in you, Emily."
"I'm very angry at you, Emily" (full crescendo)

This mood change happened over the course of 1-2 minutes. It was quite spectacular, but scary. I've never made a teacher want to cry before. In fact, is that the kind of thing teachers should be proclaiming, even if it were true? I slowly backed out of the room, saying, "I don't think I should be here..." And I promptly crossed my name off the cello lessons list.

Form tutor/ head of music approaches me later on that day. He asks what on earth happened, and I told this exact story. He said that "she said you were being a bit cheeky and did this on purpose." As you would have read, I have done/been nothing of the sort, in fact, I said very little and why would I leave my books behind on purpose? He also said that her reaction "was... well, not necessary..." I can only conclude the woman is mad. Actually, this was not my conclusion, it was my parent's.

I could've said more on other things, but I won't. I think that's enough libel for one day.Oh noes I made Iznogoud cry :(

Umm. Well. What was your conclusion?

Although... these creative types can be very emotional lol. Or maybe she had a band of evil creatures who wound her up tighter than the top sting on a cello.
My conclusion? I'm just glad to be away from it!!

<:O Phew!

Yes, creative types can be emotional... bipolar, maybe? Wouldn't surprise... but that does make one question as to why they would let an emotionally/mentally unstable person teach in a grammar skool.
Why wouldn't they? It'd only reflect the mental state of many of the students.
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