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Tuesday, June 03, 2008


Scouts are a bad crowd

RUN, IZNOGOUD, RUUUUUUUN OK, so it was scouts tonight.

Yeah, I'm a scout.

*Subliminal message: JOIN THE SCOUTS*

Our scout leaders decided to do something more 'scout-y' for a change, I mean, last time at scouts we went down to the river, made origami boats, dropped them off the bridge, and bombarded them with rocks. That was random. One kid, Jack (I like Jack. He's weird. And he talks to me sometimes. And he's a redhead. Not really a valid reason, but...), ran into the river, threw a rock at a passing boat, missed, and hit a seagull instead.

Ahem, so this week we were to make 'natural art', i.e. collect natural things and make sculptures out of them.

Well, that's what we were supposed to do.

We went around Wimborne, where we're based, doing really chavvy things. We went into the park, you know, threw ourselves at some basketball hoops (I didn't... I mean, I'm about 4'10") and went off... We found several large sticks, which, when we were finished with them, they were tiny twigs. Why? Because the lads (there were only the four of us tonight! Huh.) kept whacking each other with them... Jack was usually the target.

We went into the industrial estate and broke a weird bridge-like thing.

The lads climbed on top of the recycling banks (bottle banks, whatever).

One of the lads (I think I know his name, but won't risk getting it wrong) threw a bottle into the air.

The same guy threw a chair (where did that come from??) into someone's garden.

Jack jumped over a wall, into someone's garden.

We stuck a traffic cone in the middle of the road.

The list goes on, but I'm sure this all counts as libel... eep... so I shall say no more. But what I will say are these two things:

We got assaulted by 3 chavs. One guy, two girls (at least one was a girl!! You can never tell with chavs). The bloke was like, "I f-ck your mom" etc etc, generally to all of us . Personally, I don't see how that's an insult to myself... But anyway. Then they tried to pick on me, get my attention, by saying, "Hey, girl... Hey, you girl... GIRL..." ... I think it's coz I was the only girl in the group out of 4, and uh, that leaves all kinds of insults just begging to be used. So we left them and I got attacked by a dog.

Eventually we went back to the hut with a load of sticks, stones, leaves, a feather, and a flower. We were making 'art' (i.e. piling the stones on a large stick), when 2 chavs come up to the hut and start acting macho. Ed, the leader, goes out and says, "Hello, can we help you?" and the chavs were like, uh, uh, no.. um... et cetera. So Ed invited them in. The chavs, of course, were reluctant. But Ed dragged them in. The chavs dived into the toilets, because they didn't want us to see them. But they were dragged into the main hall. KAHAHAHAHA.

There's more to say but I think that's enough so far.It's Pippin again!! No I don't have a thing about red heads. Red hair just suits him.

WHY WHY WHY does scouts sound about 50 times funner than Guides ever was?

At guides, I now know what to do if my house catches fire and make cups of tea. I make a mean cup of tea by the way, but that is beside the point.

You should have pretended to exorcise the chavs.

"Holy Father, I call upon you to rid the vile demon that possesses you son/daughter... what's your name?"
lol maybe scouts IS 50 times funnier than guides...

Oh, apparently, they've changed the guides 'regime', for lack of a better word... Now they get taught about contraception, job interviews, and how to build flat-pack furniture.


OH OH OH but DO tell me what to do if my house catches fire. PLEASE tell me; I just need to know!! There are flames licking the back of my neck at the moment, what do you think I should do...?

LOL those chavs came back again this week (half an hour before the end, but nevermind...)... If they return yet again, I'll do that... ;)
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