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Monday, June 02, 2008


The amazing adventures of...

Is he not cute?
This is Pippin. He is one of the characters in my new comic book, in fact, he's one of the main characters. Does he not look cute, even if the pic was really rushed? (Sorry about the shit colour quality - saving probs) And in case you're wondering why he looks like a policeman, then... well, he is a policeman. And if weren't wondering that, or don't think he looks like a policeman, then f-ck you.
Yes, dear reader, I am starting a new life in the comic book profession. Well... I hope to, at least. So far, I've got to page 2 in the first issue of... I'm not telling you the name XP I'm planning on making them 40-ish page comics. Then they'll be published by some nice company and everything will be nice and lovely and fine. Yeah - I'm not speaking the name until it's been decided it's publishable, or I make a website dedicated to them... *thinks* *starts webpage*
Of course, if there's a publishing company already interested, then do contact me XD I want job security. Here's my email addy - sbsp_fan_1@yahoo.co.uk - email me if you're a publishing company, or someone who's already an undying fan of the series. Or want to ask a question. Or have nothing better to do. Please - no spammers, scammers, or anything else that rhymes.
I may host a couple of pages up when the first issue is done... dunno. Then I'll see if anyone likes it. I promise you, though... at least one person out there in the world will like it XD I've shown the first pages to someone already, and it appears somewhat successful.
But at the moment I've hit a snag; I dunno what the inside of a police station looks like. And I need to know for the comic. So the project's on hold until I catch the next episode of the Bill or whatever.
I'm just telling you all this because I'm excited. No idea why. And I'm getting pre-publication publicity. Or something.
I dunno.
I'll shut up now.

Bob - please my I note that the second you publish a page on your webpage it is no longer your interlectual property. Sorry. Just thought you should know.
Yeah, I know... that's why I didn't want to do such a thing until after publishing. But at the same time, I may need to make a webpage dedicated to them to gain public interest, including publisher's interests.

My plan was, if I were to do a webpage before publishing, I'd make it 'limited' in what I put on there, or only allow people with a login/password to access certain parts of the website.

But I'm not getting too hyped until the first one's actually finished!!
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