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Friday, May 16, 2008


Twinkle, twinkle, Patrick star

Nice swimming cozzie
Hullo loyal fans!

I'm just writing here again for absolutely no reason.

The title of this blog is because that stupid song's been whirling 'round my head all day. Which is bad, because I had an English exam today.

The full lyrics are as follows:

Twinkle, Twinkle, Patrick Star,
I made myself a sandwich.
My mommy named it Fred,
It tastes like beans and bacon,
And smells like it's been dead.
Writing stuff is hard so I use a pointy pencil
Pointy, Pointy, Pointy, Pointy, Pointy, Point.
P.U., what's that horrible smell?
Drum solo!
(Drum Solo)
I have a head,
It ends in a point
Pointy, Pointy, Pointy, Pointy, Pointy, Point.
This song is over,
except for this line,
You win this round,

Yes, I'm admitting that I've been watching SpongeBob SquarePants for the past few days.
Ahem, but anyway. I've had 4 exams so far, and 5 remaining (technically speaking. One's two exams combined) and I have to say, the first 3 were pointless. Agree with me, people! General Studies is pointless. And I'm not saying that because I've probably failed. Even my brother passed (I'm not saying at what grade) and he never made any contact with the outside world during the ages 15-18.

My point is, General Studies has none. Am I right??

The English exam I did was pretty terrible too. I mean, I spent all day yesterday (appart from the times when I was doing General Studies...) and all of this morning revising theorists to do with language and gender in speech. Then what happens?? We get a bloody extract from a story, where there were only a couple of lines of speech. I almost cried. But I didn't, and just threw in this special knowledge anyway.
Also, it didn't help the situation of revising as my Iznogoud DVD that I ordered a little while back came through the post. I bought it for collective purposes only. But I still watched it.
I want to be sultan instead of the sultan!!

Ahem so this induced distraction did not actually make my work performance worse, oddly enough.

After the exam, my parents took me to BURLEY - the most wonderful, magical place in the world. It is amazing. I mean it. I bought a replica of this:

Be amazed.

Check the internet and you'll see it's somewhere over £15. I got it for a tenner. HAHAHAHA. The quality's not particularly good in this pic but see it in real life and you'll be like OMFG cool.

In other news: I'm starting a new comic series. I'm not telling you the name, because it's so great that someone will steal it. The name of the comic was suggested by Hannah - Thank you Hannah!! I'm not even gonna tell you lot what it's about, coz the idea'd probably be stolen too. And then I'll get it published and then I'll TAKE OVER THE WORLD of comics.

By the way, I've done a bit more translating of Isnoguds Komplize. OMFG there's a scene, right, where there's this wizard, right, and, right, he has these masks, right, and when he wears the mask and takes it off again, his face remains as the face of the mask... if that makes sense. Anyway, he has this mask of this random guy... then he SLEEPS WITH HIS WIFE... husband finds out, and he says, "You'd better not have cheated with him, otherwise..." and he's about to hit her. Iznogoud comes in, and aggrivates the situation: "LIAR! Not only did you cheat with this man, but you also said he was better than your husband!!" And who said Iznogoud was for kids?? Not I. LOL It's so my favourite comic book, now.

1. The clock is cool
2. The comic is... odd
3. General studies STANK OF POOP AND VILEST CORROSIVE WEE WEE! (no kiddin', I think I failed, like EPIC FAIL, how? can thissssss be???)
4. Emma smells. I am doomed.
5. Where have ye been lurking?!?!
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1) Isn't it just?
2) Isn't it just?
3) Isn't it... Ahem, I agree
4) Ah no, ye aven't gotta do that for the exam, have ye?
5) Where have I been lurking?? Where have YOU been lurking?? You ain't been on MSN for ages, according to my MSN thingy... oh no it hasn't crapped up, has it? :O
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