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Monday, May 26, 2008


3 perfectly good reasons as to why Iznogoud is not for kids -or- 3 perfectly good reasons as to why Jean Tabary is a dirty old man

... but we love like him anyway.

You're probably sick of these Iznogoud-related posts. But I must protest - people come up to me, and they're like, "Oh, a comic book? Isn't that a bit childish? I mean, isn't it for kids?" In reply, I'm like... "NO NO NO NO NO NO NO NO DIE NO NO NO NO!!" And so the war goes on.

Anyway, so I'm dedicating this post for 3 good reasons why it's not (just) for kids. Note: All of these reasons include sexual innuendoes of some kind. And worse.

We start off with Iznogoud et les femmes. Despite its name (Iznogoud and the women), it only has one reference to naughtiness (that I can see). I'd get a picture but, you know, apathy prevents. This reference is something like... Ooh, Sultan Pullmankar says something like, "My child, take off your clothes for me! I want to be the only one to see you naked!" You may be thinking, "Well, that's not too bad..." but this is just the starting point. I haven't got onto the list yet. This one's just the first appearance (I think) of anything of this kind.

Now onto the list. (In order of year published)

#1 - Isnoguds Komplize
(Name in german - dunno the french version.) I know I've mentioned this one a lot, but it's simply brilliant.

First of all we have that scene with the couple in bed.
This is just... odd

In summary, bloke wears mask to look like this woman's husband (it's a special mask. Don't ask), has his way with her, and we get the real husband saying, "You better not have cheated with this man, otherwise..." and Iz saying, "Liar! Not only did you cheat with this man, but you also said he was better than your husband!!"

Next, we have the Fee Olé.

As I discovered (after translating), Iz is not actually oggling the Fee Olé. He says, and I quote: "I cannot say it! I am simply too excited!!" To this, Wa'at Alaf/Tunichgud misinterprets his meaning of the word 'excited' (I bet you did, too), and ahem ahem, Iz ends up calling him a sex maniac.

Of course, we also have the Fee Olé wandering around topless, which I'm not posting. You freak.

#2 Un Monstre Sympathique

Now, this reason is pretty weird, so bear with me.

Because I can't read French, here is a very basic translation.

(In the previous panel, why did it not include it?? Oh well): "I have brought you your soup, o Caliph!" "But we will only eat it when you rub our backs, our stomachs, our buttocks, all over!!"

(Now, to the picture) "What? Am I hearing things?? Am I dreaming??" etc "No! Let go of me!! I can't see a thing with all this steam [asterisk - unfortunately]. You have made a mistake, oh comman..." "It is not the Caliph... hehehe!!" "Bah? Who is it, then?" "We are the cleaning ladies! Every time the Caliph leaves, we all take a bath in his bathtub, set of diamonds, [carrelee] of pink [travertin] and [robinettée] in white platinum!" "The caliph has left, then?! Ah! Let go of me! NO! Not my underwear!! How many of you are there??" "Five! All vigorous!" "And all in love!!" [kissy noises] "ARRRR, these girls are crazy!! Grrrrr!" And at this point he runs out starkers, past a rather startled Wa'at Alaf.

#3 La Faute De L'Ancêtre

This one disturbed me. Very much. This is the latest Iz comic, at current (in November, there will be a new one!!). I'm not even gonna show you the picture directly, there may be some blogger-law that states you cannot host dirty pictures on your blogs. Well, you can see it if you want. All I says is: That thought bubble was not at all necessary.

Lookee - here.

I wasn't expecting this pic. I was just looking through... minding my own business, then I was like, "WTF" and I scrolled back up again to this panel. I was so shocked my mouth touched the floor, and my eyes popped out and fell into my mouth, and I accidentally ate my eyeballs. Well... not quite. But you get the idea.

SO I conclude: As we progress, Iznogoud gets filled with worse and worse innuendoes (I wonder what the next one's gonna be like?). But I think that makes it even funnier. There's probably more ones out there; I haven't read them all. So - Iznogoud is not necessarily for kids. Bow your head in shame if you thought otherwise.Bleeeeeeeh!

[EDIT] [From La Faute De L'Ancêtre] If 'bastard' wasn't good enough for you in 'Isnoguds Komplize', have a look at this. How many kid's comics contain the word 'shit', let alone various types of drugs?Then again, it might not mean the same in french; it may be like the german word for coffee supplement: Muckefuck.

No, I'm not kidding about that. It seriously is.

Comics and cartoons are not necessaraly (did I spell that right? if so, thanks to Jonesy!)for kiddlers. What about that one about the anthropomorphized cats having sex all the time or something? (I have never seen it, only heard of it!)
Spelt necessarily... you got the c and the s's right, though! XD

Aye, I know... The one you're referring to is Fritz the Cat... unfortunately I came across this on TV once. My Dad was watching too. The most awkward 15 seconds of my life.
Yes, I imagine that was awkward. Veeeeeeeeeery awkward.

May I suggest that as father-daughter viewing, you try Teletubbies or In The Night Garden? Lawl.
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